Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/486

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458 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 452-JUNE 27, 1942 [56 STAT. States reservation known as Fort Dupont, and all necessary supply lines, appurtenances, and auxiliaries, and including not to exceed 41U.S. . 5 $7,050 for the employment, by contract or otherwise, and without 42 Stat. 1488. reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes or the Classification supp. sc h. 13 6 .74 Act of 1923, as amended, of engineering or other professional serv- Post, p. 733. ices, $235,000, to continue available until June 30, 1944. Stanton Park,reser- For the construction of an underground covered reservoir of ap- proximately ten million gallons' capacity in the vicinity of the exist- ing Anacostia first-high service reservoir in Stanton Park, including necessary appurtenances and auxiliaries, and including not to exceed $7,200 for the employment, by contract or otherwise, and without 41U.S. §5. reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes or the Classification 42 Stat. 1488 . 5U.s . . c§661-674; Act of 1923, as amended, of engineering or other professional services, Post, p . 733. $240,000, to continue available until June 30,1944. Anacostia statip n, For additional pumping equipment at the Anacostia pumping sta- pumping equipment. tion, including necessary appurtenances, alterations to existing piping, and enlargement of switchgear building, $75,000, to continue available until June 30, 1944. Arrearage charge. On and after July 1, 1942, an additional charge of 10 per centum shall be imposed on all water-rent charges remaining unpaid after the expiration of thirty days from the date of rendition of the bill therefor. This paragraph shall not be construed as depriving the District of Columbia or any of its officers or employees of any other Temporary srvi remedy that may exist for the collection of such water-rent charges. of draftsmen, etc. SEC. 2. That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelers, transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and inspectors temporarily required in connection with sewer, water street, street-cleaning, or road work, or construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or con- struction work authorized by appropriations may be employed exclu- sively to carry into effect said appropriations when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commissioners, and all such necessary expenditures for the proper execution of said work shall be paid from and equitably charged against the sums appropriated for said work; and the Commissioners in their Budget estimates shall report the number of such employees performing such services, and their work, Prion ' . and the sums paid to each, and out of what appropriation: Provided That the expenditures hereunder shall not exceed $42,000. during the Maxmm¶ period of fiscal year 1943: Provided further, That, excluding inspectors in the sewer department, one inspector in the electrical department, and one inspector in the repair shop, no person shall be employed in pursuance of the authority contained in this paragraph for a longer period than nine months in the aggregate during the fiscal year. mD. aco .mem oyn Appropriations in this Act shall be available for payment by the Act, contributons. District of Columbia of its contributions as an employer, in accord- D301 to 4-3; oSupt§ 1 ance with the provisions of the District of Columbia Unemployment c p. 1016 . Compensation Act (49 Stat. 946). Temporary labor, The Commissioners, or their duly designated representatives, are etc. further authorized to employ temporarily such laborers, skilled labor- ers, drivers, hostlers, and mechanics as may be required exclusively in connection with sewer, water, street, and road work, and street cleaning, or the construction and repair of buildings and bridges, furniture and equipments, and any general or special engineering or construction or repair work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal services, incidental to car- rying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof said laborers, skilled laborers, drivers, hostlers, and mechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses