Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/559

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 473-JULY 2, 1942 For payment of interest on moneys held in trust for the several Indian tribes, as authorized by various Acts of Congress, $725,000. Appropriations herein made for the support of Indians and admin- istration of Indian property, the support of schools, including non- reservation boarding schools and for conservation of health among Indians shall be available for the purchase of supplies, materials, and repair parts, for storage in and distribution from central warehouses, garages, and shops, and for the maintenance and operation of such warehouses, garages, and shops, and said appropriations shall be reim- bursed for services rendered or supplies furnished by such warehouses, garages, or shops to any activity of the Indian Service. Appropriations made for the Indian Service for the fiscal year 1943 shall be available for travel expenses of employees on official business; the purchase of ice, and the purchase of rubber boots for official use of employees. The appropriations available for expenditure for the benefit of the natives of Alaska may be used for the payment of traveling expenses of new appointees from Seattle, Washington, or from any point within Alaska, to their posts of duty in Alaska, and of traveling expenses, packing, crating, and transportation (including drayage) or personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station within Alaska, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION The following sums are appropriated out of the special fund in the Treasury of the United States created by the Act of June 17, 1902 (43 U. S . C . 391, 411), and therein designated "the reclamation fund", to be available immediately: Salaries and expenses: For the Commissioner of Reclamation and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $107,000; for travel and other necessary expenses, $40,850, including not to exceed $12,000 for printing and binding; in all, $147,850; Administrative provisions and limitations: For all expenditures authorized by the Act of June 17, 1902, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, known as the reclamation law, and all other Acts under which expenditures from said fund are authorized, includ- ing not to exceed $100,000 for personal services and $15,000 for other expenses in the office of the chief engineer, $20,000 for telegraph, tele- phone, and other communication service, $7,500 for disseminating use- ful information, photographing and making photographic prints, and completing and distributing material, including recordings, $41,250 for personal services, and $7,500 for other expenses in the field legal offices; for the maintenance, in addition to the main office in the District of Columbia, of a branch of that office in Denver, Colorado, with appropriations herein made to be available therefor, the costs and expenses thereof to be accounted for as though said branch office were in the District of Columbia; examination of estimates for appro- priations in the field; refunds of overcollections and deposits for other purposes; not to exceed $15,000 for lithographing, engraving, print- ing, and binding; purchase of ice; purchase of rubber boots for official use by employees; maintenance and operation of horse-drawn and motor-propelled passenger vehicles; not to exceed $25,000 for purchase and exchange of horse-drawn and motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; payment for contract stenographic reporting services; pay- ment of damages caused to the owners of lands or other private prop- erty of any kind by reason of the operations of the United States, its officers or employees, in the survey, construction, operation, or main- tenance of irrigation works; payment for official telephone service in 531 Interest on trust funds, payments. Availabilityoffunds for purchase of sup- plies, etc. Travelexpenses,etc. Alaska. Traveling expenses of new appointees. Sums appropriated from reclamation fund. 32 Stat. 388. 32 Stat. 388. 43U. .C.§39. Maintenance of branch office in Den- ver, Colo. Vehicles.