Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/568

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 473-JULY 2, 1942 Post, pp. 716,1002. Vehicles. Personal services. Proviso. Trophies. 55 Stat. 177. 30 U. S. C., Supp. I,i 4 t-4o. Vehiles BUREAU OF MINES SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES Salaries and general expenses: For general expenses, including pay of the Director and necessary assistants, clerks, and other employees, in the office in the District of Columbia and in the field, and every other expense requisite for and incident to the general work of the Bureau in the District of Columbia and in the field, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, $68,765, of which amount not to exceed $57,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Operating mine rescue cars and stations and investigation of mine accidents: For the investigation and improvement of mine-rescue and first-aid methods and appliances and the teaching of mine safety, rescue, and first-aid methods; investigations as to the causes of mine explosions, causes of falls of roof and coal, methods of mining, espe- cially in relation to the safety of miners, the appliances best adapted to prevent accidents, the possible improvement of conditions under which mining operations are carried on, the use of explosives and electricity, the prevention of accidents, statistical studies and reports relating to mine accidents, and other inquiries and technologic inves- tigations pertinent to the mining industry; the exchange in part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of mine-rescue trucks; the construction of temporary structures and the repair, main- tenance, and operation of mine-rescue cars and the Government- owned mine-rescue stations and appurtenances thereto; personal serv- ices, traveling expenses and subsistence, equipment, and supplies; travel and subsistence, and other incidental expenses of employees in attendance at meetings and conferences held for the purpose of pro- moting safety and health in the mining and allied industries; pur- chase not exceeding $7,500, exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehi- cles for official use in field work; purchase and exchange in part pay- ment therefor of cooks' uniforms, goggles, gloves, rubber boots. aprons, and such other articles or equipment as may be necessary in connection with the purposes of this paragraph; including not to exceed $69,200 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $709,940: Provided, That of this amount not to exceed $500 may be exl)ended for the purchase and bestowal of trophies in connection with mine-rescue and first-aid contests; Coal-mine inspections and investigations: For all expenses neces- sary to enable the Bureau of Mines to perform the duties imposed upon it by the Act of May 7, 1941 (Public Law 49); including sup- plies and equipment; traveling expenses; not to exceed $62.500 for personal services in the District of Columbia; purchase in the District of Columbia and elsewhere of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding, computing and addressing machines, and other abor-saving devices, accessories and repairs, including exchange and maintenance thereof; professional and scientific books and publications; purchase, not to exceed $38,000 (including exchange as part payment), operation, maintenance and repair of motor-pro- pelled trucks and passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work and in transporting employees between their homes and tempo- rary locations where they may be employed; purchase of special wearing apparel or equipment for the protection of employees while engaged in their work; travel and subsistence, and other incidental expenses of employees in attendance at meetings and conferences held for promoting safety and health in the coal-mining industry, 540 [56 STAT.