Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/600

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 475-JULY 2, 1942 power Commission as needed in the prosecution of the war in fur- nishing work experience and work training preparatory to employ- ment in occupations in which there is a present or potential shortage Availabilityfor des- of labor, $49,729,000. This appropriation shall be available for the payment of project supervisory employees; the procurement of project facilities by contract or otherwise and the maintenance of such facili- ties, including the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment; the purchase, operation, maintenance and repair of trucks and passenger- carrying automobiles; the payment of rentals; and travel and other expenses essential to the prosecution of the program authorized under this appropriation. Part-time employ- PAR. 2. To provide continuance of part-time employment for needy young persons in colleges and universities to enable such persons to continue their education, $5,000,000; to provide continuance of part- time employment for needy students in schools below the college level to enable such persons to continue their education, $3,000,000; in all, $8,000,000. adminisataive expen PAR. 3 . Salaries and other administrative expenses: For personal ses. services and necessary miscellaneous expenses in the District of Columbia and elsewhere for carrying out the general administration of the programs set forth in paragraph 1, including supplies and equipment; purchase and exchange of books of reference and periodi- cals; travel expenses, transfer of household goods and effects as 54Stat. 1105. provided by the Act of October 10, 1940, and regulations promulgated thereunder; purchase, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and such other expenses as may be neces- sary for the accomplishment of the objectives set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2, $3,500,000, from which the National Youth Administration may transfer to the appropriation in paragraph 1 such amounts as Pr ofo will not be required for the purposes of this paragraph: Provided, That there may be transferred from this appropriation to appropria- tions of the Treasury Department such amounts as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget may determine to be proper, to reimburse such appropriations on account of expenditures therefrom in connection with the accomplishments of the purposes of the appropriations herein for the National Youth Administration. Printing and bind- PAR. 4. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the National Youth Administration, $45,000. anoltbly eaingS PAR. 5 . The Administrator of the National Youth Administration shall, subject to the approval of the Federal Security Administrator, fix the monthly earnings and hours of work for youth workers engaged on work projects financed in whole or in part from the appropriation in paragraph 1, but such determination shall not have the effect of establishing a national average labor cost per youth worker on such projects during the fiscal year 1943 substantially different from the national average labor cost per such worker on such projects prevailing at the close of the fiscal year 1942. Apportionment, etc. PAR. 6. Funds appropriated under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be so apportioned and distributed over the period ending June 30, 1943, and shall be so administered during such period as to constitute the total amount that will be furnished during such period for the purposes set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2. Contributions, etc., PAR. from oter agencies PAR. 7. The National Youth Administration is authorized to receive reimbursements from other Federal or non-Federal public agencies for the use of facilities and for the cost of materials, and contribu- tions for the operation of projects from Federal or non-Federal agen- cies in the form of services, materials, or money; any money so received to be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States. Such contributions shall be expended or utilized as agreed upon 572 [56 STAT.