Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/640

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 477-JULY 2, 1942 Reserve and Na- tional Guard officers. 41 Stat. 776; 49 Stat. 391. 10U..O.5361, 364, 369; 32 U. S. C. 81c. Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. Specialist Corps. Provisos. Aerial flights by nonflying officers. " Flying officer." Officer owning mount. 35 Stat. 108 . Assignments from Specialist Corps to supply services. Salary limitation. in such manner as the Secretary of War may prescribe by regulations and is approved by the Secretary of War, or by such other officer or officers as he may designate, whose action thereon shall be conclusive, $34,909,000. ARMY WAR COLLEGE For expenses of the Army War College, being for the purchase of the necessary special stationery; textbooks, books of reference, scien- tific and professional papers; newspapers, and periodicals; maps; police utensils; employment of temporary, technical, or special serv- ices, and expenses of special lectures; purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms for guards; pay of employees; and for all other necessary expenses, $95,400. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF SCHOOL, FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, instruments, and material for instruction; employment of temporary, technical, special, and clerical services; and for other necessary expenses of instruction, at the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, $101,000. FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCE SERVICE, ARMY Pay of the Army: For pay and allowances of the Army of the United States, including pay of Reserve officers and officers of the National Guard of the United States ordered to active duty under the provisions of section 37a and the fourth paragraph of section 38 of the National Defense Act, as amended; pay and allowances of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps; pay of members of the Army Specialist Corps; pay of civilian employees at military headquarters; allowances for quarters for enlisted men on duty where public quar- ters are not available; interest on soldiers' deposits; payment of life insurance premiums authorized by law; payment of exchange by offi- cers serving in foreign countries and when specially authorized by the Secretary of War, by officers disbursing funds pertaining to the War Department, when serving in Alaska, $6,007,367,501: Provided, That the appropriations contained in this Act shall not be available for increased pay for making aerial flights by nonflying officers at a rate in excess of $720 per annum, which shall be the legal maximum rate as to such officers, and such nonflying officers shall be entitled to such rate of increase by performing three or more flights within each ninety-day period, pursuant to orders of competent authority, without regard to the duration of such flight or flights: Provided further, That, during the continuance of the present war and for six months after the termination thereof, a flying officer as defined under exist- ing law shall include flight surgeons, and commissioned officers or warrant officers while undergoing flying training: Provided further, That during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, no officer of the Army shall be entitled to receive an addition to his pay in conse- quence of the provisions of the Act approved May 11, 1908 (10 U. S. C. 803) : Provided further, That members of the Army Specialist Corps who are assigned to the supply services of the Army may be paid from the appropriations for the work upon which they are engaged: Provided, however, That no part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available to pay the salary of any member of such [56 STAT.