Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/720

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 516-JULY 22, 1942 and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; not to exceed Exhibits. $50,000 for the preparation and display of exhibits, including such displays at State, interstate, and international fairs within the United States; purchase of lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, news- papers, $450,000,000, to remain available until June 30, 1944, for com- pliances under said Act of February 29, 1936, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of the 1942 programs carried out during the period striction on use July 1, 1941, to December 31, 1942, inclusive Provided, That no part of unds. of such amount shall be available for carrying out the provisions of 52 Stat. 37. 7 U.s.c . §122. section 202 (f) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, and not to exceed $4,000,000 shall be available under the provisions of section 202 (a) to 202 (e), inclusive, of said Act, including research on food afteJune 30, products of farm commodities: Provided further, That no part of such amounts shall be available after June 30, 1943, for salaries and other administrative expenses except for payment of obligations Availability for 1943 therefor incurred prior to July 1, 1943: Provided further, That such programs amount shall be available for salaries and other administrative expenses in connection with the formulation and administration of the 1943 programs or plans now or hereafter authorized under section 49 Stat. 1148. 7 or 8, or both, of said Act of February 29, 1936, or under said 1 U.S. C. m590g, 590h; Suppi.. 590. provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Provided Ante, p. 53; p.nt, P 53; pot, further, That the Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, from 52 Stat. 31; ante, p . time to time transfer to the General Accounting Office such sums as 41, 51,121 , 653 . 7U. s'. ., ch. 35; may be necessary to pay administrative expenses of the General Transfer. o funds. Accounting Office in auditing payments under this item: Provided Purchase of seeds, further, That such amount shall be available for the purchase of etc . seeds, fertilizers, lime, trees, or any other farming materials, or any soil terracing services, and making grants thereof to agricultural producers to aid them in carrying out farming practices approved by the Secretary of Agriculture in the 1942, 1943, and 1944 programs 49 stat. 1148. under said Act of February 29, 1936, as amended, and likewise the 590q; Supp. I , § 590h. amount appropriated under this head for the fiscal year 1942 shall be Ante, p. 53; post, p. 761.te .53; post, p. available for such purchases for such grants in the 1941, 1942, and 1943 programs under such Act; for the reimbursement of any Fed- eral, State, or local government agency for fertilizers, seeds, lime, trees, or other farming materials, or any soil terracing services, fur- nished by such agency; and for the payment of all expenses necessary in making such grants including all or part of the costs incident to the Administrative ex- delivery thereof: Providedfurther,That beginning with the fiscalyear ment. 1942, each appropriation to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect any program administered through the Agricultural Adjustment Administration may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be reimbursed out of the then current appropriation for"the agency affected, for a fair share of the administrative expense, as estimated periodically or in advance by the Agricultural Adjustment Adminis- tration of maintaining registers of indebtedness and making, out of such Agricultural Adjustment Administration appropriation, set-offs under the order entered by the Secretary on May 8, 1937, as hereto- fore or hereafter amended, in favor of any other agency of the Payments to ten- Government: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other ants and sharecrop- pes. provision of law, persons who in 1942 carry out farming operations as tenants or sharecroppers on cropland owned by the United States Government and who comply with the terms and conditions of the 49 tat 48 1942 agricultural conservation program, formulated pursuant to sec- 16 U. S.C.C. 59g- tions 7 to 17, inclusive, of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- 6sAq;Upp.i3; post ment Act, as amended, shall be entitled to apply for and receive p. 761. payments, or to retain payments heretofore made, for their partici- pation in said program to the same extent as other producers. [56 STAT.