Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/74

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 33 -FEB . 2, 1942 shall be in such form as the assessor shall determine, and shall be furnished, without charge, by the assessor, upon request. No employee or agent of a corporation not having an office or place of business within the District shall engage in or carry on any business in the District for or on behalf of such corporation unless such cor- poration shall have first obtained a license, as provided by this title. Revocation. A"(e) The Commissioners may, after hearing, revoke any license issued hereunder for failure of the licensee to file a return or cor- rected return within the time required by this title, or to pay any installment of tax when due thereunder. RenewaL "(f) Licenses shall be renewed for the ensuing calendar year upon application as provided in subsection (a) of this section. No license shall be renewed if the taxpayer has failed or refused to pay any tax or installment thereof, or penalties thereon, imposed by this title: Prow. Provided, however, That the Commissioners, in their discretion, for cause shown, may, on such terms or conditions as they may determine or prescribe, waive the provisions of this subsection. Penalty for fairme '(g) Any corporation receiving income from District sources or pet,p. 376. engaging in or carrying on any business in the District without first having obtained a license so to do, and any person engaging in or carrying on any business for or receiving income from District sources on behalf of a corporation not having a license so to do shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $300 for each and every failure, refusal, or violation, and each and every day that such failure, refusal, or violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. All prosecutions under this subsection shall be brought in the police court of the District on information by the corporation counsel or any of his assistants in the name of the District. "Busineass." "(h) The term 'business' as used in this section, shall include the t .377. . carrying on or exercising for gain or economic benefit, either direct or indirect, any trade, business, or commercial activity in the District." (r) Title II of said Act is amended by adding the following new section to be numbered "Sec. 47": "SEC. 47 . COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES RENDERED FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS OR MORE. -In the case of compensation (a) received for personal services rendered by an individual in his individual capacity, or as a member of a partnership, and covering a period of five calendar years or more from the beginning to the completion of such services, (b) paid (or not less than 95 per centum of which is paid) only on com- pletion of such services, and (c) required to be included in gross income of such individual for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1939, the tax attributable to such compensation shall not be greater than the aggregate of the taxes attributable to such compensation had it been received in equal portions in each of the years included in such period." Applcabilityof pro- SEC. 2 . The provisions of section 1 of this Act shall apply to the visions. taxable year 1941, and succeeding taxable years, except that the pro- Ante, pp. ,43 . visions of subsection (q) thereof requiring licenses for corporations, and the provisions of subsection (e) thereof eliminating the require- ment of payment of a fee for filing corporation returns shall become effective January 1, 1942. Inheritnce and es- SEC. 3. (a) Section 2, article II, of title V of the District of 3Stat.14. Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, as amended by title V of the District I: c. Code 4 7- of Columbia Revenue Act of 1939, is amended to read as follows: credits. "SEo. 2 . There shall be credited against and applied in reduction of the tax imposed by section 1 of this article the amount of any estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession tax lawfully imposed by any State or Territory of the United States, in respect of any property included in the gross estate for Federal estate tax purposes as pre- [56 STAT.