Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/828

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800 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 619-OCT. 21, 1942 [56 STAT. Sec. 208. Retroactive treatment of involuntary conversions as capital transac- tions (sec. 711 (a) (1)). Sec. 209. Nontaxable income from certain mining and timber operations (sec. 711 (a) (1)). Sec. 210. Net operating loss deduction adjustment (sec. 711 (a) (1)). Sec. 211. Credit for dividends received in computation of excess profits net income in connection with invested capital credit (sec. 711 (a) (2)). Sec. 212 . Application of excess profits tax to certain foreign corporations (sec. 712 (b)). Sec. 213. Excess profits net income placed on annual basis (sec. 711 (a) (3)). Sec. 214. Interest on certain Federal obligations (sec. 713 (c)). Sec. 215. Base period net income of lowest year in base period (sec. 713 (e) (1)). Sec. 216. Capital reduction in case of members of controlled group (sec. 713 (g)). Sec. 217. Invested capital credit (sec. 714). Sec. 218. Basis of property paid in (sec. 718 (a) (2)). Sec. 219. Deficit in earnings and profits of another corporation (sec. 718). Sec. 220. Amortizable bond premium on certain Government obligations (sec. 720 (d)). Sec. 221 . Abnormalities in income in taxable period (sec. 721). Sec. 222 . Relief provisions (sec. 722). Sec. 223. Exempt corporations (sec. 727). Sec. 224 . Excess profits tax returns (sec. 729 (b)). Sec. 225. Consolidated returns (sec. 730). Sec. 226. Exemption from tax of mining of certain strategic minerals (sec. 731). Sec. 227 . Amendments to section 734. Sec. 228. Rules for income credit in connection with certain exchanges (Sup- plement A). Sec. 229. Termination of Supplement B. Sec. 230. Invested capital in connection with certain exchanges and liquidations (Chapter 2E). Pot, p. 936. PART II-POST-WAR REFUND OF EXCESS PROFITS TAX Sec. 250. Post-war refund of excess profits tax. Po, p.939. TrrLE III-CAPITAL STOCK AND DECLARED VALUE EXCESS PROFITS TAXES Sec. 301. Capital stock tax (sec. 1200). Sec. 302. Declared value excess profits tax (sec. 600). Sec. 303 . Declared value excess profits tax for taxable years of less than twelve months (sec. 601). Sec. 304. Technical amendments made necessary by change in base for corpora- tion tax (sec. 602). Pod, p.941. TITLE IV-ESTATE AND GIrF TAXES PART I-ESTATE TAX Sec. 401. Estates to which amendments applicable. Sec. 402. Community interests (sec. 811 (e)). Sec. 403. Powers of appointment (sec. 811 (f)). Sec. 404. Proceeds of life insurance (sec. 811 (g)). Sec. 405. Deductions not allowable in excess of certain property of estate (sec. 812 (b)). Sec. 406. Charitable pledges (sec. 812 (b)). Sec. 407. Deduction on account of property previously taxed (sec. 812 (c)). See. 408. Deduction for disclaimed legacies passing to charities (sec. 812 (d)). Sec. 409. Denial of deduction on bequest to certain propaganda organizations (sec. 812 (d)). Sec. 410. Priority of credit for local death taxes (sec. 813 (a)). Sec. 411 . Liability of certain transferees (sec. 827 (b)). Sec. 412. Exemption of estates of nonresidents not citizens (sec. 861 (a)). Sec..413. Period for filing petition extended in certain cases (sec. 871 (a)). Sec. 414. Specific exemption (sec. 935 (c)). Sec. 415. Overpayment found by Board (sec. 912). Pot, p. 951. PART I-GIFT TA Sec. 451. Gifts to which amendments applicable. Sec. 452. Powers of appointment (ec. 1000). Sec. 453. Gifts of community property (sec. 1000). Sec. 454. Exclusion from net gifts reduced (sec. 1008 (b)). Sec. 455. Specific exemption of gifts reduced (sec. 1004).