Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/320

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TREATIES Determination and allocation of profits. Diversion of profits. royalties, interest, dividends, management charges, or gains derived from the sale or exchange of capital assets. Subject to the provisions of this Convention such items of income shall be taxed separately or together with industrial and commercial profits in accordance with the laws of the contracting States. ARTICLE III 1. If an enterprise of one of the contracting States has a permanent establishment in the other State, there shall be attributed to such permanent establishment the net industrial and commercial profit which it might be expected to derive if it were an independent enter- prise engaged in the same or similar activities under the same or similar conditions. Such net profit will, in principle, be determined on the basis of the separate accounts pertaining to such establishment. 2. The competent authority of the taxing State may, when neces- sary, in execution of paragraph 1 of this Article, rectify the accounts produced, notably to correct errors and omissions or to reestablish the prices or remunerations entered in the books at the value which would prevail between independent persons dealing at arm's length. 3. If (a) an establishment does not produce an accounting showing its own operations, or (b) the accounting produced does not correspond to the normal usages of the trade in the country where the establish- ment is situated, or (c) the rectifications provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article cannot be effected the competent authority of the taxing State may determine the net industrial and commercial profit by applying such methods or formulae to the operations of the estab- lishment as may be fair and reasonable. 4. To facilitate the determination of industrial and commercial profits allocable to the permanent establishment, the competent authorities of the contracting States may consult together with a view to the adoption of uniform rules of allocation of such profits. ARTICLE IV 1. (a) When a United States enterprise, by reason of its partici- pation in the management or capital of a Canadian enterprise, makes or imposes on the latter, in their commercial or financial relations, conditions different from those which would be made with an inde- pendent enterprise, any profits which should normally have appeared in the balance sheet of the Canadian enterprise but which have been, in this manner, diverted to the United States enterprise, may be in- corporated in the taxable profits of the Canadian enterprise, subject to applicable measures of appeal. (b) In order to effect the inclusion of such profits in the taxable profits of the Canadian enterprise, the competent authority of Canada may, when necessary, rectify the accounts of the Canadian enterprise, notably to correct errors and omissions or to reestablish the prices or remuneration entered in the books at the values which would prevail between independent persons dealing at arm's length. To facilitate such rectification the competent authorities of the contract- 1400 [56 STAT.