Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/326

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1406 Cooperation oCom- missioner and Min- ister. Ratification. Effective date; du- ration. TREATIES [56 STAT. of this Convention, showing the amount of such income in the case of each addressee. (c) The names and addresses, where available, of persons whose addresses are outside of Canada and who derive dividends during the calendar year from corporations organized under the laws of Canada, more than 50 percent of the gross income of which is derived from sources within the United States of America, show- ing the amount of such dividends in each case. (d) The names and addresses of all persons whose addresses are within the United States of America and who beneficially or of record own stocks or bonds, debentures or other securities, or evidences of funded indebtedness, of any company taxed in Canada as a Non-Resident-Owned Investment Corporation. The term "Non-Resident-Owned Investment Corporation" shall have the same meaning as when used in the Income War Tax Act of Canada. ARTICLE XXI 1. If the Minister in the determination of the income tax liability of any person under any of the revenue laws of Canada deems it necessary to secure the cooperation of the Commissioner, the Com- missioner may, upon request, furnish the Minister such information bearing upon the matter as the Commissioner is entitled to obtain under the revenue laws of the United States of America. 2. If the Commissioner in the determination of the income tax liability of any person under any of the revenue laws of the United States of America deems it necessary to secure the cooperation of the Minister, the Minister may, upon request, furnish the Commissioner such information bearing upon the matter as the Minister is entitled to obtain under the revenue laws of Canada. ARTICLE XXII This Convention and the accompanying Protocol which shall be considered to be an integral part of the Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. This Convention and Protocol shall become effective on the first day of January 1941. They shall continue effective for a period of three years from that date and indefinitely after that period, but may be terminated by either of the contracting States at the end of the three-year period or at any time thereafter provided that, except as otherwise specified in the case of Article XI, at least six months prior notice of termination has been given, the termination to become effective on the first day of January following the expiration of the six-month period. Done in duplicate, at Washington, this fourth day of March, 1942. SUMNER WELLES LEIGHTON MCCARTHY [SEAL] [SEAL]