Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/380

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'1461 56 STAT.] CANADA-HIGHWAY TO ALASKA-MAR . 17, 18, 1942 (b) To waive import duties, transit or similar charges on ship- ments originating in the United States and to be trans- ported over the highway to Alaska, or originating in Alaska and to be transported over the highway to the United States; (c) To waive import duties, sales taxes, license fees or other similar charges on all equipment and supplies to be used in the construction or maintenance of the road by the United States and on personal effects of the construction personnel; (d) To remit income tax on the income of persons (including corporations) resident in the United States who are em- ployed on the construction or maintenance of the highway; (e) To take the necessary steps to facilitate the admission into Canada of such United States citizens as may be employed on the construction or maintenance of the highway, it being understood that the United States will undertake to repatriate at its expense any such persons if the contrac- tors fail to do so; (f) To permit those in charge of the construction of the road to obtain timber, gravel and rock where such occurs on Crown lands in the neighbourhood of the right of way, providing that the timber required shall be cut in accord- ance with the directions of the appropriate Department of the Government of the Province in which it is located, or, in the case of Dominion lands, in accordance with the directions of the appropriate Department of the Canadian Government. 5. The Canadian Government agrees to the suggestion that the practical details of the arrangement be worked out by direct contact between the appropriate governmental agencies subject, when desir- able, to confirmation by subsequent exchange of notes. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. W. L . MACKENZIE KING Secretary of State for External Affairs. The UNITED STATES MINISTER TO CANADA, Ottawa.