Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/434

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PERU-RECIPROCAL TRADE-MAY 7, 1942 2. The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Peru, in the awarding of con- tracts for public works and gener- ally in the purchase of supplies, shall accord fair and equitable treatment to the commerce of the other country as compared with the treatment accorded to the commerce of other foreign coun- tries. ARTICLE VI 1. Laws, regulations of admin- istrative authorities and decisions of administrative or judicial au- thorities of the United States of America and the Republic of Peru, respectively, pertaining to the classification of articles for customs purposes or to rates of duty shall be published promptly in such manner as to enable trad- ers to become acquainted with them. 2. No administrative ruling by the Government of the United States of America or the Govern- ment of the Republic of Peru effecting advances in rates of duties or in charges applicable under an established and uniform practice to imports originating in the territory of the other country, or imposing any new requirement with respect to such importations, shall be effective retroactively or, as a general rule, with respect to articles either entered, or with- drawn from warehouse, for con- sumption prior to the expiration of thirty days after the date of publication of notice of such ruling in the usual official manner. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to administrative orders imposing anti-dumping duties, or relating to regulations for the protection of human, animal or plant life or health, or relating to 2. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de la Repdblica del Peru, al ad- judicar contratos para obras pd- blicas y generalmente en la adqui- sici6n de materiales concederi un tratamiento justo y equitativo al comercio del otro pais en compara- ci6n con el tratamiento concedido al comercio de otros paises ex- tranjeros. ARTICULO VI 1. Las leyes, reglamentaciones de autoridades administrativas y decisiones de autoridades adminis- trativas o judiciales de los Esta- dos Unidos de America y de la Repfblica del Per6, respectiva- mente, relativas a la clasificaci6n de articulos para fines aduaneros o a aranceles, serAn publicadas sin demora en forma de permitir a los comerciantes el conocimiento de las mismas. 2. Ninguna providencia admi- nistrativa del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Am6rica o del Gobierno de la Repiblica del Perd que disponga aumentos en los tipos de derechos o en las car- gas aplicables de conformidad con una practica establecida y uni- forme a las importaciones origi- narias del territorio del otro pals, o que imponga cualquier nuevo requisito con respecto a tales importaciones, se aplicara en forma retroactiva ni, como practica ge- neral, con respecto a articulos que sean entrados, o retirados de almac6n, para el consumo dentro de los treinta dias siguientes a la fecha de publicaci6n del anuncio de dicha providencia en la forma oficial de practica. Lo estipulado en este pArrafo no se aplica a las disposiciones administrativas que impongan derechos "anti-dump- ing", o relativas a reglamenta- Public-works con- tracts, etc. Laws, regulations, and decisions. 56 STAT.] 1515