Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/442

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PERU-RECIPROCAL TRADE-MAY 7 , 1942 of America and the President of the Republic of Peru or, should the proclamations be issued on differ- ent days, on the thirtieth day following the date of the later in time of such proclamations, and, subject to the provisions of article XI, shall remain in force for a period of two years thereafter. The Government of each country shall notify the Government of the other country of the date of its proclamation. 2. Unless six months before the expiration of the aforesaid period of two years the Government of the United States of America or the Government of the Republic of Peru shall have given to the other Government notice of inten- tion to terminate this agreement upon the expiration of the afore- said period, the agreement shall remain in force thereafter, subject to the provisions of article XI, until six months from the date on which notice of intention to ter- minate it shall have been given by either Government. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the re- spective plenipotentiaries have signed this agreement and have affixed their seals hereto. DONE in duplicate, in the Eng- lish and Spanish languages, both authentic, at the city of Washing- ton this seventh day of May, 1942. FOR THE PRESIDENT [SEAL] el Presidente de la Repiblica del Peru, o en caso que las promul- gaciones sean en fechas distintas, a los treinta dias de la fecha de la ultima de ellas, y, sujeto a las disposiciones del articulo XI, per- manecera en vigor por un periodo de dos afos. El Gobierno de cada uno de los paises notificarA al del otro pals la fecha de su promul- gaci6n. 2. A no ser que seis meses antes de la terminaci6n del precitado plazo de dos anos el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Am6rica o el Gobierno de la Republica del Perd le haya notificado al otro su intenci6n de terminar este convenio al cumplirse el ante- dicho plazo, el convenio quedarA en vigor despues de tal fecha, su- jeto a las disposiciones del articulo XI, hasta seis meses despues de la fecha en que cualquier de los Go- biernos haya notificada su inten- ci6n de terminarlo. EN FE DE LO CUAL los respectivos Plenipotenciarios ban firmado este Convenio y han puesto sus sellos. HECHO en duplicado, en los idio- mas ingl6s y espafiol, ambos au- t6nticos, en la ciudad de Washing- ton, a los siete dias de mayo de 1942. OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: CORDELL HULL Secretary of State of the United States of America. FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF PERU: [SELLO] DAVID DASSO Minister of Finance and Commerce of the Republic of Peru. Duration. Ante, p. 1519. Signatures. 1523 56 STAT.]