Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/6

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Private Law 278 -- _ San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Company. AN ACT For the relief of the San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Company.----------- 279 --- D. H. Dantzler. AN ACT For the relief of D. H. Dantzler --- 280 --- Brooks Equipment and Manufacturing Company. AN ACT For the relief of Brooks Equipment and Manufacturing Company_ 281 -_- William Robert Shaneyfelt and Mildred Shaneyfelt. AN ACT For the relief of William Robert Shaneyfelt and Mildred Shaney- felt___--__--______________-- - - - -. 282 -__ J. W . Daughtry. AN ACT For the relief of J. W. Daughtry -. 283 --- Capt. Peter A. McDonald. AN ACT To provide an additional sum for the payment of a claim under the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the reimbursement of certain Navy and Marine Corps personnel and former Navy and Marine Corps personnel and certain Federal civil employees for personal property lost or damaged as a result of the hurricane and flood at Parris Island, South Carolina, on August 11-12, 1940", approved April 23, 1941 -------.--- 284 -_- Solomon Brown. AN ACT For the relief of Solomon Brown__ 285 -__ Dale L. Barthel and others. AN ACT For the relief of Dale L. Barthel and others ----------------- __-__.____.________ 286 -_- Certain Basque aliens. AN ACT For the relief of certain Basque aliens ------------------ -_- 287 --- Nettie Woolfolk Montague, Jerry L. Woolfolk, and others. AN ACT For the relief of Nettie Woolfolk Montague and Jerry L. Woolfolk and others - ..- - ___ _- -- --- 288 --- Mason C. Brunson. AN ACT For the relief of Mason C. Brun- son____________________________________ ._. . 289 __- C. E . Stedman and others. AN ACT For the relief of certain individuals in connection with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho__ 290 --- Lulu Heron. AN ACT For the relief of Lulu Heron - .-- _.. 291 ___ Edwin B. Formhals. AN ACT For the relief of Edwin B. Form- hals _--_----_---____.--------------__-- 292 --- John King. AN ACT For the relief of John King - --....... 293 ___ G. F. Allen, Cecil M. P. Cross, and Will S. Wood. AN ACT For the relief of G. F. Allen, chief disbursing officer, Treasury De- partment, and for other purposes -------------- 294 -__ Mrs. Anna M. Paul. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Anna M. Paul -------------------. ----- ------ -- __ 295 --- Libby, McNeill and Libby. AN ACT For the relief of Libby, McNeill and Libby---------------- .- - -- 296 __- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lewenczuk. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lewenezuk . -- --- -- -- -- - 297 - -- Katherine McCue. AN ACT For the relief of Katherine McCue_ 298 -_- James Wood. AN ACT For the relief of James Wood _ -- -- 299 --- Branchland Pipe and Supply Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Branchland Pipe and Supply Company ---- 300 --- O. C. Ousley. AN ACT For the relief of O. C. Ousley ---- 301 --- H. D. Bateman and others. AN ACT For the relief of H. D . Bateman, Henry G. Conner, Junior, executor of the last will and testament of P. L . Woodard, and J. M. Creech ---- 302 --- Catharine Schultze. AN ACT For the relief of Catharine Schultze ---------------- 303 --- Burlington Auto Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Burlington Auto Company.... _----- ._ ____ ___. ___ _- 304 --- Mary E. Philpot, estate, Sandra G. Philpot, and Mrs. R. L. Keckler. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Mary E. Philpot, Sandra G. Philpot, and MB. R. L. Keckler 305 --- Hiram 0. Lester and others. AN ACT For the relief of Hiram O. Lester, Grace D. Lester, and Florence E. Dawson.... 306 -_- Allen Pope. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claims of Allen Pope, his heirs or personal representatives, against the United States----- 307 --- Charles D. Talbert, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Charles D. Talbert, deceased . 308 --- Richard Bove. AN ACT For the relief of Richard Bove ------ 309 __ Jean N. Burton and Laura Jones. AN ACT For the relief of Jean N. Burton and Laura Jones 310 -_ J. G. Pox. AN ACT For the relief ofJ. G. Fox ------- 311 _- John B. Newman. AN ACT For the relief of John E. Newman_ 312 --- Lonnie Bales. AN ACT For the relief of Lonnie Bales --- Date' Feb. 18, 1942 -_ Feb. 18, 1942__ Feb. 18, 1942-_ - Feb. 18, 1942_ Feb. 18 , 1942-- Feb. 18, 1942--- Feb. 18, 1942_-- Feb. 18, 1942--- Feb. 19,1942--- Feb. 19,1942_- - Feb. 19,1942--- Feb. 20,1942 -- Feb. 20, 1942_-- Feb. 20 ,1942_ -- Feb. 20,1942_- Feb. 20, 1942- _ _ Feb. 20,1942- __ Feb. 21, 1942_- Feb. 23, 1942._ _ Feb. 23, 1942-_ - Feb. 24, 1942___ Feb. 24, 1942- Feb. 24 ,1942__ - Feb. 24, 1942_ - Feb. 24, 1942__ Feb. 24, 1942-__ Feb. 25, 1942-__ Feb. 25, 1942- __ Feb. 27, 1942_- Mar. 3,1942___ Mar. 4,1942-_ _ Mar. 4, 1942-_ Mar. 4,1942_- Mar. 4,1942-- Mar. 4,1942--- Page 1109 1110 1110 1111 1111 1111 1112 1112 1113 1114 1114 1115 1115 1115 1116 1116 1117 1117 1118 1118 1118 1119 1119 1120 1120 1120 1121 1121 1122 1123 1123 1124 1124 1125 1125 vi