Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/685

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56 STAT.] CANADA-CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS-NOV. 2 , 4 , 1942 1771 (4) that American contractors engaged upon projects to which this note applies shall not be subject in respect of their American employees to Canadian workmen's compensation laws and regulations, whether federal or provincial, but shall be subject in respect of such American employees to the provisions of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act of the United States as amended by Public Law No. 208, 77th 44Stat. 1424 . 33 U. 8 - §. 901- Congress; [] 950; 42 U. . C., Supp. I, §§1651-164. (5) that, with the exception provided in the succeeding paragraph of this note, Canadian contractors engaged on such projects shall, in respect of their Canadian employees, be subject to the applicable Canadian workmen's compensation laws; (6) that the employees whether American or Canadian of con- tractors, whether American or Canadian, engaged by the United States on such projects in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon, shall be covered by the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act of the United States, as amended by Public Law No. 208, 77th. Congress, and that pursuant to United States public law No. 208 representatives of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission will be available in those areas to hear and determine claims of workmen, both American and Canadian, and that no Canadian provincial or federal workmen's compensation laws shall apply to any such employees in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon; and that the applicability to such projects of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act of the United States, as amended by Public Law No. 208, 77th Congress, will be implemented either by appropriate American administrative ruling or by legislation; (7) that, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs A-(4) and pAree,, tsovwitnh A-(5) of this note, Canadians employed by American con- ne ,"tS. tractors and Americans employed by Canadian contractors on such projects will in respect of workmen's compensation be made the subject of agreement with the provincial govern- ments concerned, and, if dominion authority is necessary to give effect to such agreement appropriate orders in council will be issued by the federal government at the request of the province concerned; (8) that, in case of appeal by a Canadian employee from a ruling Appealby Canadian of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, the Canadian Government shall have the right in its discretion to have qualified counsel appear in behalf of such Canadian employee; (9) that civil employees of the United States Government on such c v il employees of projects, whether American or Canadian, will be subject to the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of the United States, and therefore no Canadian federal or provincial workmen's compensation law will be applied to them; X f55 Stat. 622.]