Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/774

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. (3) Candidates would be selected by a permanent committee to be set up in Lima with the cooperation of the American Embassy and would be placed in United States Universities by the Institute of International Education. It should be understood that the Institute would have a free hand in placing the students to their best advantage and that the term of study would be one year, to be extended in special cases to two years. (4) The Peruvian Government or the candidates chosen would make travel reservations from Peru, but the United States Govern- ment would pay the travel costs by the most direct route and per diem while in travel status. Prioroties for air travel would not be requested by the Department of State and candidates would be ex- pected to come by sea with the approval of their government in the event air transportation was not readily available. (5) The proposed program would be coordinated as far as possible with existing opportunities for study or training in the United States, such as the Inter-American Trade Scholarships, the internships of the United States Public Health Service, fellowships under the Conven- tion for the Promotion of Inter-American Cultural Relations, and the Department of Agriculture training programs. This would require centralization of information and publicity regarding the scholarships and of the selection of candidates, and it is suggested that these ac- tivities might be functions of the Peruvian North American Cultural Institute working in cooperation with the Peruvian authorities. Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of my high- est consideration. M.DEFREYREYS His Excellency CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State, Washington. The Secretary of State to the Peruvian Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON August 24, 194S EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of August 4, 1942, requesting the cooperation of the Government of the United States and educational institutions and organizations in this country in a scholarship program which the Peruvian Government proposes to institute whereunder advanced students from Peru would receive further technical training in the United States. I have noted your statement that the Peruvian Government is pre- pared to invest a sum of about $50,000 in this program to be devoted principally to maintenance grants and, where necessary, tuition costs and I am pleased to inform you that the Department of State will