Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/776

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. Supplementary agreement between the United States of America and Haiti respecting Haitianfinances. Signed at Port-au -PrinceSep- tember 30, 1942. SUPPLEMENTARY EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC OF HAITI The provisions of Articles I and II of the Executive Agreement of September 30, 1941, ['1 shall continue in effect from and after October 1st 1942 to and includ- ing September 30, 1943, except that (1) All the receipts of the Hai- tian Government shall be deposited without deduction at the Banque Nationale de la R6publique d'- Haiti, which bank shall make the payments provided for by the loan contracts of 1922 and 1923, in accordance with the procedure outlined in Article VI of the Ex- ecutive Agreement of September 13, 1941; [2] (2) The Government of the Republic of Haiti agrees to pay $20.000 United States Currency during the period October 1, 1942, to September 30,1943, inclusive, on account of the amounts required to be paid under the loan contracts of October 6, 1922 and May 26, 1925 for the amortization of the loans of 1922 and 1923, the provisions of the paragraph designated (2) of Article VI of the Executive Agreement of September 13, 1941 and those of the subsequent paragraphs of the said article notwithstanding. ACCORD EXECUTIF ADDITIONNEL ENTRE LES ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE ET LA REPU- BLIQUE D'HAITI Les dispositions des Articles I et II de l'Accord Ex6cutif du 30 Septembre 1941 resteront en vi- gueur du ler Octobre 1942 au 30 Septembre 1943 inclusivement, except6 que (1) Toutes les recettes du Gou- vernement Haitien seront de- pos6es sans deduction Ala Banque Nationale de la Republique d'- Haiti qui fera les paiements pr6vus par les contrats d'emprunt de 1922 et 1923, conform6ment a la procedure indiquee a l'Article VI de l'Accord Ex6cutif du 13 Sep- tembre 1941; (2) Le Gouvernement de la R6publique d'1laiti accepte de payer $20.000 dollars durant la p6riode du ler Octobre 1942 au 30 Septembre 1943 inclusivement, sur les montants dont le paiement est requis par les contrats d'em- prunt des 6 Octobre 1922 et 26 Mai 1925 pour l'amortissement des emprunts de 1922 et 1923, nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe (2) de l'Article VI de l'Accord Ex6cutif du 13 Sep- tembre 1941 et celles des para- graphes subs6quents du mime article. ' [Executive Agreement Series 224; 55 Stat. 1385.] ' [Executive Agreement Series 220; 55 Stat. 1348.] September 30, 1942 [E. A. S. 2991 1862