Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/800

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1886 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. The Australian Minister to the Secretary of State No. 201/42 AUSTRALIAN LEGATION, WASHINGTON, D.C . July 17, 1942. SIR, I have the honour to refer to Mr. Welles' note dated 31st March, 1942, to my predecessor regarding the readiness of the United States Government to initiate a procedure which will permit aliens who have registered under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, who are nationals of co-belligerent countries and who have not declared their intention of becoming American citizens, to elect to serve in the forces of their respective countries, in lieu of service in the armed forces of the United States, at any time prior to their induction into the armed forces of the United States. I am instructed by my Government to inform you that it desires to avail itself of the procedure set out and to give you the following assurances- (a) No threat or compulsion of any nature will be exercised by the Australian Government to induce any person in the United States to enlist in the forces of any foreign Government. (b) Reciprocal treatment will be granted to American citizens by the Australian Government; that is, prior to induction in the armed forces of Australia they will be granted the opportunity of electing to serve in the armed services of the United States. Furthermore, all American citizens serving in the Australian forces, or former American citizens who have lost their American citizenship by joining these forces and are still serving in them, will be informed that they may transfer to the United States forces if they so desire, and if they are acceptable to the United States forces. (c) No enlistments will be accepted in the United States by the Australian Government of American citizens subject to registration or of aliens of any nationality who have declared their intention of becoming American citizens and are subject to registration. My Government proposes, when the procedure comes into effect, that American citizens who are to be released from service in the Australian forces should be handed over to the United States service authorities there for re-enlistment. I should be glad to learn what machinery it is proposed to set up to give effect to the above-mentioned arrangement. I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir, Your obedient servant, OWEN DIXON The Honourable CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D.C.