Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/824

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1910 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. the proposed legislation to be applied eventually to United States citizens. If this presumption is confirmed it is suggested that the Foreign Office should show the text of the bill to the United States Embassy in London and should discuss its details with them. BRITISH EMBASSY, WASRINGTON, D.C . April 29th, 1942. The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON June 9, 1942 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to advise you that the competent authorities of this Government consider your two notes of April 29, 1942, relative to the application of the United States Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to British subjects residing in the United States, to contain satisfactory assurances concerning the points raised in my note of March 30, 1942. The procedure described in my note of March 30 is accordingly deemed to be in effect with respect to Great Britain and the War Department and the Selective Service System have been so advised. The procedure contemplated to enable non-declarant British subjects and nationals residing in the United States to be enrolled in the British armed forces is identical with that now in effect for Cana- dian nationals, which is described in detail in the enclosed memoran- dum of May 2,1942 [2] from the National Headquarters of the Selective Service System to all state directors. It is contemplated that this same procedure will be applicable to the nationals of any country with which an agreement on this subject may be concluded. It is understood that certain specific agreement must be reached between the armed forces of our two Governments, particularly with reference to the transfer of individuals from the armed forces of the United Kingdom to the armed forces of the United States. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera- tion. CORDELL HULL Enclosure: Memorandum, May 2, 1942. His Excellency The Right Honorable The Viscount HALIFAX, K.G ., British Ambassador. 2 [Not printed.l