Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/840

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. of nationals of one country in the armed forces of the other country. You state that your Government gives the assurance that persons desiring to opt for service in the South African forces under the arrangement will be accepted by your Government prior to their departure. I am pleased to state that this Government considers that your Government has given all the necessary assurances. Accordingly, the arrangement with the Union of South Africa is now regarded as being in effect, and the appropriate authorities of this Government are being informed accordingly. In this connection, I also take pleasure in informing you that the War Department is prepared to discharge, for the purpose of trans- ferring to the armed forces of their own country, nondeclarant South African nationals now serving in the United States forces who have not heretofore had an opportunity of electing to serve in the forces of their own country, under the same conditions existing for the transfer of American citizens from the South African forces. In regard to the various questions of procedure contained in your note under acknowledgment, I may state that these matters may be discussed directly between officials of the Legation and officers of the Selective Service System and of the War Department. Major Sherrow G. Parker of the Selective Service System, and Major V. L. Sailor of the Recruiting and Induction Section of the War Department, will be available to discuss with representatives of the South African Legation all matters relating to the practical details of the arrange- ment. I do not doubt that mutually satisfactory arrangements can be made in regard to the points mentioned in your note. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. For the Secretary of State: G. HOWLAND SHAW The Honorable, RALPH WILLIAM CLOSE, K.C ., Minister of the Union of South Africa.