Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/912

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2000 Naveran, Ignacio, admission for perma- nent entry - --------------- .- -- - Navy, reimbursement of certain personnel for loss of personal property ------- Nedwed, John L. (Maj.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----- _ Nelson, Mrs. Eula, payment to___ -- __ Netherlands, agreements with, respect- ing- Military service------------ ------- Mutual war aid--------------------- Nevins, Edd, payment to---- -_---- --- New Year's Day, 1943, observance as day of prayer -------- __----__---__-__ New York, N. Y ., Department of Hospitals, payment to ---------------------- New Zealand, agreements with, respect- ing- Military service--------------------- Mutual war aid------------. .-----.. Newman, John E., settlement of claim_- - Nicaragua, agreements with, respecting- Agricultural experiment station------- Inter-American Highway------------- Nicholson, Hugh G. (Dr.), payment to___ Norfolk, Va., reimbursement for certain personal property losses at Naval Operating Base---------------- Norway, agreement with, respecting mu- tual war aid------ ------------ 0 Odom, Floyd, payment to-------------- Official Publications, agreements for ex- change of, with-- Bolivia---- ------- -- ---- Dominican Republic ---------------- Iceland ---

-- --- Liberia ------ _. .-----..--- Panama-------__.._--______--___.- Paraguay -------- _-------- .-- _ Ogle, Mrs. Ada F., payment to -- -- Oil. See Petroleum Pipe Lines, Construc- tion. Olhava, Anthony L., payment to----- Opium Poppy Control Act of 1942, change in enrollment of bill --- _ .-- Orbe, Victor, admission for permanent entry -------------------.- _- ____ _ Orme, Geoffrey, payment to--------- Otazua, Canuto, admission for permanent entry__ -

__--. Otazua, Gregorio, admission for perma- nent entry -- -.-..------- ___-___ Ousley, O. C ., payment to

---. ..

__ Owen, Reuben, payment to --------- Owen, Roy, payment to estate of---- .... INDEX Page 1113 1227 1139 1195 1900 1554 1144 1981 1198 1896 1611 1125 1810 1845 1104 1227 1565 1166 1436 1851 1600 1419 1444 1868 1243 1239 1268 1113 1140 1113 1113 1119 1101 1203 P Padre Island Sea Range Area, establish- ment and control, proclamation--_ _ Page, Sidney C. (Lt. Col.), credit in ac- counts----------------- . .___- __ Panama, agreements with, respecting- Detail of military officer ------ _--___ Exchange of official publications ----- Paraguay, agreement with, respecting ex- change of official publications ______- Parker, Frank E. (Lt. Col.), credit in accounts _ __________ Passport Visa Fees, Waiver of, agreement with Argentina -------- _ -__- ___ _. Pate, Joseph B. (Col.), acceptance of for- eign decoration authorized-------_ _ Patent Rights, interchange of, agreement with Great Britain---------------- Paul, Mrs. Anna M., payment to -_____ Peace, Friendship, and Boundaries, agree- ment respecting, with Peru and Ecuador ---------- _-____-_______. Pearl Harbor, Attack by Japanese Armed Forces Upon, printing of additional copies of Senate document -__-____- Pearlman, Bessie, payment to--- _ _ _ _ _ Pendergast, Thomas J., reimbursement for loss of personal property ---- _- Perkins, William F., relief for loss of food stamps ----------------- ______ Peru, agreements with, respecting- Boundaries between Peru and Ecuador- Detail of military officer---_________- Education -------- --- ___ .-- _______- Reciprocal trade--.- - - -- ___________ Petroleum Pipe Lines, Construction: Change in enrollment of bill -_ _ .. .-- Proclamation ----------- _-________- Phillips, Charles Ray, payment to guard- ianof_-______-- ---.--- ________ Phillips, David Delano, payment to guardian of-------------- _ _ _ - ___ Phillips, James Rudolph, payment to guardian of -- _______-.---.___- Phillips, Katherine, payment to guardian of --


_ Phillips, Richard Eugene, payment to guardian of ---------- __ _____-__. Phillips, Robert Lee, payment to -- _- ___ Phillips, Robert Lee, Jr., payment to guardian of ---------------------- Philpot, Mary E., payment to estate of___ Philpot, Sandra G., payment to guardian of ---------.- - - -. -- -- ---. -- Phoenix Construction Associates, pay- ment to -----


Pike, Glenn A., payment to------------ Page 1958 1160 1545 1444 1868 1160 1578 1139 1594 1117 1818 1263 1130 1112 1255 1818 1424 1859 1509 1266 1975 1136 1136 1136 1136 1136 1136 1136 1121 1121 1159 1210