Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/916

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2004 Tariff Preferences, agreement with Do- minican Republic relating to waiver in respect of--------------------- Tate, H. T., credit in accounts ------- Taxation, Double, agreement with Canada respecting - _--- --- --- --- --- --- --- Temple, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilder, payment to ----------------------------- Tench, Luther Herbert, payment to---- Tench, Mrs. Mildred Farmer, payment to- Thanksgiving Day, 1942, observance as day of prayer ------------------ Thomas Alva Edison Day, 1942, proclama- tion-------------------------- Thomason, Charles, payment to ------- Thompson, Dora, restoration, etc., of homestead entry----------------- Thompson, Etta A., removal of debt from records --------------------------- Thompson, Jerry McKinley, cancelation of amount entered on accounts of__- Thompson, R. E ., payment to estate of - _ Thornton, Jane A., payment to---------- Thurston, R. V., and Joseph Hardy, pay- ment to------------------------- Tiedeman, Betty, payment to__ . _ -_ _ -- Tipton, Mr. and Mrs. William, payments to .-------------------------- Todd, Irvin V. (Lt. Col.), credit in ac- counts----------------------- Tommey, Mrs. J. C., payment to ------ Torgensen, Richard, payment to ------- Torre, Bernardo, admission for permanent entry -.. ---. --- .-- .-- ----- ------ . Trade Agreements. See Reciprocal Trade Agreements. Trainer, Loetta, payment to----- . .. .. .. Transportation Act of 1940, extension of title III, part I----- - - - .. .---- Treacy, Eileen Collins, payment to ._ -- Treasurer of the United States, appropria- tion for credit to account of; use of recovered funds ------------------ Treaties. See also International Agree- ments Other Than Treaties. Canada, double taxation --

Inter-American- Coffee Agreement, supplementary proclamation regarding entry into force ---

--- --- -- Indian Institute----------------- Nature protection and wildlife preser- vation---__ --- --- -__ _- _-- --- - Powers of attorney, uniformity- __- - Provisional administration of Euro- pean colonies and possessions in the Americas----------------- Mexico, claims--------------------- INDEX Page 1617 1218 1399 1149 1176 1176 1981 1935 1232 1151 1257 1185 1196 1241 1106 1175 1195 1161 1253 1115 1113 1181 1962 1182 1218 1399 1345 1303 1354 1376 1273 1347 Treiber, Rudolph, Jr., payment to legal guardian of-------------------- Triplett, O. B ., Jr., payment to -------- Trought, W. K ., credit in accounts----- . Truax, Leslie, payment to- __- - . .. .. _-- Tuck, Mrs. Claud, consideration of claim- Tuck, Darrell Claud, consideration of claim -------------------------- Tucker, Raymond F. (Master Sgt.), ac- ceptance of foreign decoration au- thorized------------------------- Tureaud, Augustin Dominique, confirma- tion of land claim ---------------- U Ugalde, Jesus, admission for permanent entry-------------------------- Unalaska Maritime Control Area, estab- lishment, control, etc., proclamation_ Unemployment Commission, National, establishment, printing of additional copies of House hearings---------- Unemployment Insurance, construction projects, agreement with Canada - - Unemployment Insurance Benefits, agree- ment with Canada-------------- Union of South Africa, agreement with, respecting military service -. ..- -- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, agree- ments with, respecting- Commercial relations. -- -

Mutual war aid ..................- United Kingdom. See Great Britain. United States Courts: District Court for District of Columbia, payment to clerk ---- _- _--- _ Enemies, denial to certain, of access to. Upham Telephone and Electric Company, payment to.. ..---

. --.

Urcaregui, Gregorlo, admission for perma- nent entry-- . .. .. Uriarte, Francisco, admission for perma- nent entry------------------------ Uriarte, Herman, admission for permanent entry..-- ----- ---- __- ---_ __. ..--- Uribe, Agustin, admission for permanent entry-__ --.- _------------_____-- Uribe, Feliciano, admission for permanent entry - .- --

--- ---- --- ---- --

Urquidi, Antonio, admission for permanent entry -------------- _ -_-- _-- Urrutia, Ignacio, admission for permanent entry---------------.- ---- ---_ __ Uruguay, agreement with, respecting re- ciprocal trade------ .. - -- -- -- -. - -- - V Van Voorhis, Daniel (Lt. Gem), accept- ance of foreign decoration authorized_ Page 1177 1140 1217 1106 1224 1224 1139 1177 1113 1941 1266 1770 1451 1921 1575 1500 1234 1964 1259 1113 1113 1113 1113 1113 1113 1113 1624 1139 w