Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/125

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 117-JUNE 4, 1943 Method of service. Notice to defendant. Extensions. Ante, pp. 111 ,100 . 49 Stat. 640. 42 U.S. C. §1104. Payment. Individual's weekly benefit amount. appointed the Director of Vehicles and Traffic of the District of Columbia as his true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all processes in any action or proceedings against such nonresident arising out of, or incident to, this Act, and said employment shall be a signification that any such process against him served, as herein provided, shall have the same effect and validity as if served on him personally in the District of Columbia. Service of such process shall be made by leaving a copy thereof (with a fee of $2) in the hands of the Director of Vehicles and Traffic of the District of Columbia, or other persons in charge of his office, and such service shall be suffi- cient service upon such nonresident: Provided, That notice of such service and a copy of the process are forthwith sent, by registered mail, by the plaintiff to the defendant and the defendant's return receipt attached to the writ and entered with the initial pleading. The court in which the action is pending may order such extensions as may be necessary to afford the defendant a reasonable opportunity to defend the action, and no judgment by default in any such action shall be granted until at least twenty days shall have elapsed after the notice of such service has been sent to the defendant as herein- above prescribed. "DEPOSIT IN UNEMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND "SEc. 6. All moneys received in the District unemployment fund from sources other than the unemployment trust fund, except as provided in section 4 (i) and section 1 (b) (5) (D), shall be immedi- ately paid over to the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of the unemployment trust fund, to be held in trust for the District upon the terms and conditions provided in section 904 of the Social Security Act. "AMOUNT AND DURATION OF BENEFITS "SEC. 7. (a) On and after January 1, 1938, benefits shall become payable from the benefit account of the District unemployment fund. All benefits shall be paid through employment offices, in accordance with such regulations as the Board may prescribe. "(b) An individual's weekly benefit amount shall be the amount appearing in column B in the table set forth in this subsection on the line on which in column A of such table appears the total wages for employment paid to such individual by employers during that quarter of his base period in which such wages were the highest. "UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT TABLE "C OLUMN A " COL b( "Wages paid in highest quarter of base period ar $37.50 to $138 --.------------------- $138.01 to $161---------------------------------- $161.01 to $184---------------------------------------- $184.01 to $207 ------------------------------------- $207.01 to $230---..-------------------------- $230.01 to $253 --------------------------------------- $253.01 to $276----------------------------------------- $276.01 to $299-----.-------


$299.01 to $322------------ ---- ----------- _ -- -- $322.01 to $345--------- ... ... ... ... . $345.01 to $368--------------------- -- ------ _----- $368.01 to $391 -----

_-- ------ $391.01 to $414 --------- _ --- - _ -_ _- --------- $414.01 to $437---

$437.01 and over -

____ -- - UMN B "CO .LUMN C Teekly enefit "Qualifying nount amount $6 $150 7 175 8 200 9 225 10 250 11 250 12 250 13 250 14 250 15 250 16 250 17 250 18 250 19 250 20 250 [57 STAT.