Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/199

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 145 -JUNE 26, 1943 Nonadministrative expenses. 47 Stat. 725. 12 U.S. C. §§ 1421- 1449; Supp. II, ch. 11 . Payment, etc., of obligations. 48 Stat. 128, 1255 . 12U. .C. C § 1724- 1730; Supp. II, §§1463, 1725 note. Deposits. 49 Stat. 295. 12U. .C.§1439. 49 Stat. 1647. 15U. .C.§712a; Stupp. II, § 712a note. Disposition of 1101,C pr>plrty. Liquidation plan; report to Congress. Semiannual prog- ress reports. 66 Stat. 594 the disbursement of funds in or derived from such account or accounts relating to said corporations: Provided, That (1) all necessary expenses in connection with the liquidation of insured institutions. (2) all necessary expenses (including services performed on a force account, contract or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in connection with the acquisition, protection, operation, maintenance, improvement, or disposition of real or personal prop- erty belonging to the Home Owners' Loan Corporation or in which it has an interest, and (3) all necessary expenses (including services performed on a contract or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in connection with the handling, including the purchase, sale, and exchange, of securities on behalf of Federal home-loan banks, and the sale, issuance, and retirement of, or payment of interest on, debentures or bonds, under the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, as amended, shall be considered as nonadministrative expenses for the purposes hereof: Provided further, That except as herein otherwise provided, the administrative expenses and other obligations of the Administration shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of July 22, 1932, as amended (12 U. S . C. 1421-1449), the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933, as amended (12 U. S . C . 1461-1468), and title IV of the National Housing Act of June 27, 1934, as amended (12 U. S . C. 1725-1732): Provided further, That all moneys and funds heretofore deposited in the Treasury of the United States under the last sentence of section 19 of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, as amended (including unexpended balances of moneys appropriated therefrom for administrative expenses), and hereafter all moneys and funds which would, except for this provision, be so depositable thereunder, shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States in a special deposit account and shall be available, retroactively as well as prospectively, for expenditure for all purposes of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the Federal Home Loan Bank Admin- istration, subject to subsections (a) and (b) of section 7 of the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1936: Provided further, That, not- withstanding any order or regulation issued by the Office of Price Administration, the Home Owners' Loan Colrporation is authorized to dispose of any real property to which such corporation has title upon such terms andl conditions as the Federal Home Loan Bank Commissioner determines will expedite the orderly liquidation of such real property: Provided further. That the Home Owners' Loan Corporation shall prepare a plan for its liquidation at the earliest practicable date and shall, by February 1, 1944, submit a report of such plan to the Congress, setting forth the terms of liquidation and such other information as may be necessary to inform the Congress of the disposition of the property of such Corporation while in the process of liquidation: Provided further, That the Federal Home Loan Bank Commissioner, on behalf of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, shall transmit to the Congress semiannually during the fiscal year ending June 30. 1944, a progress report with respect to liquidation, showing all dispositions of the property of such Corpo- ration by States during the period of liquidation, together with the amounts of Federal funds expended in the process of liquidation. and any losses incurred in the use of such funds during each quarterly period of the fiscal year 1944. The appropriation under the head "National Housing Agency" contained in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, is hereby continued available until June 30. 1944. [57 STAT.