Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/212

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS. -CH. 147-JUNE 26, 1943 international law, $2,000; services of lecturers, $2,000; library expenses, including purchase, binding, and repair of books and peri- odicals and subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals; and not exceeding $1,000 for contingencies of the president of the Naval War College to be expended in his discretion, $150,000; Naval training stations: For maintenance, operation, and other Naval training sta- necessary expenses, including repairs, improvements, and care of grounds of the naval training stations which follow: San Diego, California, $2,560,000; Newport, Rhode Island, $2,550,000; Great Lakes, Illinois, $5,950,000; Norfolk, Virginia, $850,000; Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, $3,300,000; Lake Seneca, New York, $3,300,000; Port Deposit, Maryland, $2,200,000; Fleet training: For trophies and badges for excellence in gunnery, Fleet training. target practice, communication, engineering exercises, and economy in fuel consumption, to be awarded under such rules as the Secretary may formulate; recording, classifying, compiling, and publishing the rules and results; establishment and maintenance of shooting gal- leries, target houses, targets, and ranges; hiring established ranges; entrance fees in matches for the rifle team, and special equipment therefor, $248,000; Instruction: For postgraduate instruction of officers in-other than Instruction civil government and literature, including such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act approved January 16, 1936 (34 U. S. C . 1073), and special instruction and education, 49Stat. 5092. including rental, maintenance, and operation of property for instruc- tion purposes, and individual training of officers and enlisted per- sonnel at home and abroad, including maintenance of students abroad, except aviation and submarine training otherwise appropriated for, $37,000,000: Provided, That no part of this or any other appropria- ial educational tion contained in this Act shall be available for or on account of any expense incident to giving special educational courses or post- graduate instruction to officers with view to qualifying them or better qualifying them for the performance of duties required to be per- formed by or in pursuance of law by officers of the Supply Corps, the Corps of Civil Engineers, and officers assigned to engineering duty only, except present students and except such officers who are com- missioned in such corps or have been assigned to engineering duty only or who have not been commissioned in the line of the Navy more than three years and four months prior to the commencement of such educational courses or postgraduate instruction; Libraries: For libraries, including professional books, textbooks, Libraries. and religious books for ships and shore stations not otherwise appro- priated for, $2,500,000; Welfare and recreation: For welfare and recreation of the Navy, Welfare and recrea- including periodicals and newspaper subscriptions, and care and operation of schools at naval stations for the children of Naval and Marine Corps commissioned, enlisted, and civilian personnel, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary, $7,255,000; Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps: For all expenses incident Training Norps to the conduct of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps under such regulations as the President has prescribed or hereafter may prescribe under the provisions of section 22 of the Act approved March 4,1925, as amended by the Act of August 6, 1937 (34 U. S. C. B. 821), $660,000: Proided, That uniforms and other equipment or 4u B s. c.. Supp. material issued to the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps in 1ihinh of uni- accordance with law may be furnished from surplus or reserve stocks s etc-