Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/278

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , S1TSESS.-CH. 179-JUNE 30, 1943 of those specified in Post Office Department Order 15142, dated February 19, 1941: Provided further, That of the amount herein .securigofinona appropriated not to exceed $20,000 may be expended in the discretion tion of the Postmaster General, for the purpose of securing information concerning violations of the postal laws and for services and informa- tion looking toward the apprehension of criminals. OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Compensation to postmasters: For compensation to postmasters, including compensation as postmaster to persons who, pending the designation of an acting postmaster, assume and properly perform the duties of postmaster in the event of a vacancy in the office of postmaster of the third or fourth class, and for allowances for rent, light, fuel, and equipment to postmasters of the fourth class, $53,500,000. Compensation to assistant postmasters: For compensation to assist- ant postmasters at first- and second-class post offices, $9.675,000. Clerks, first- and second-class post offices: For compensation to clerks and employees at first- and second-class post offices, including auxiliary clerk hire at summer and winter post offices, printers, mechanics, skilled laborers, watchmen, messengers, laborers, and substitutes, $239,000,000. Contract station service: For contract station service, $2,475,000. Separating mails: For separating mails at third- and fourth-class post offices, $420,000. Unusual conditions: For unusual conditions at post offices, $425,000. Clerks, third-class post offices: For allowances to third-class post offices to cover the cost of clerical services, $8,650,000. Miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices: For mis- cellaneous items necessary and incidental to the operation and pro- tection of post offices of the first and second classes, and the business conducted in connection therewith, not provided for in other appro- priations, $2,300,000. Village delivery service: For village delivery service in towns and villages having post offices of the second or third class, and in com- munities adjacent to cities having city delivery, $1,500,000. Detroit River service: For Detroit River postal service, $11,960. Carfare and bicycle allowance: For carfare and bicycle allowance, including special-delivery carfare, cost of transporting carriers by privately owned automobiles to and from their routes, at rates not exceeding regular streetcar or bus fare, and purchase, maintenance, and exchange of bicycles, $1,600,000. City delivery carriers: For pay of letter carriers, City Delivery Service, and United States Official Mail and Messenger Service, $165,000,000. Special-delivery fees: For fees to special-delivery messengers, $12,200,000. Rural Delivery Service: For pay of rural carriers, auxiliary car- riers, substitutes for rural carriers on annual and sick leave, clerks in charge of rural stations, and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delivery Service, and for the incidental expenses thereof, $92,200,000, of which not less than $200,000 shall be available for extensions and new service. OlFICE OF THE SECOND ASSITANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Star-route service: For inland transportation by star routes (excepting service in Alaska), including temporary service to newly established offices, $14,750,000. 265