Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/394

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 192-JULY 7 , 1943 extra copies of documents preserved only for convenience of reference and stocks of publications and of processed documents are not included within the definition of the word "records" as used in this Act. SEC. 2. The National Archives Council shall promulgate regula- ulationsgover- tions, not inconsistent with this Act, establishing (1) procedures for the compiling and submitting to the Archivist of the United States of lists and schedules of records proposed for disposal, (2) procedures for the disposal of records authorized for disposal, and (3) standards for the reproduction of records by photographic or microphotographic processes with a view to the disposal of the original records. Such regulations, when approved by the President, shall be binding on all agencies of the United States Government. SEC. 3. The head of each agency of the United States Government aSubmission of lists shall submit to the Archivist of the United States, in accordance with chivist. regulations promulgated as provided in section 2 of this Act (1) lists of any records in the custody of the agency that have been photographed or microphotographed in accordance with the said reg- ulations and that, as a consequence thereof, do not appear to have sufficient value to warrant their further preservation by the Govern- ment; (2) lists of any other records in the custody of the agency that are not needed by it in the transaction of its current business and that do not appear to have sufficient administrative, legal, research, or other value to warrant their further preservation by the Government; and (3) schedules proposing the disposal after the lapse of specified periods of time of records of a specified form or character that either have accumulated in the custody of the agency or that may accumu- late therein at any time after the submission of such schedules and that apparently will not after the lapse of the period specified have sufficient administrative, legal, research, or other value to -warrant their further preservation by the Government. SEC. 4 . The Archivist shall submit to Congress, at such times as he Submission of lits and schedules to Con- shall deem expedient, the lists or schedules submitted to him in gress. accordance with the provisions of section 3 of this Act, or parts of such lists or schedules, and lists or schedules of any records in his legal custody, insofar as it shall appear to him that the records listed in such lists or schedules do not, or will not after the lapse of the period specified, have sufficient administrative, legal, research, or other value to warrant their continued preservation by the United States Government: Provided, That the Archivist shall not submit (cousllt exiSting to Congress lists or schedules of records of any existing agency of the Government in his legal custody without first having obtained the written consent of the head of such agency. SEc. 5. Whenever the Archivist shall submit lists or schedules to Cabyn.iont Co Congress, it shall be the duty of the presiding officer of the Senate to onal ommittee. appoint two Senators who, with the members of the Committee on tie Disposition of Executive Papers of the House of Representatives, shall constitute a joint committee to which all such lists or schedules shall be referred, and the joint committee shall examine such lists or schedules and submit to the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively a report of such examination and its recommendations. SEc. 6. I the joint committee reports that any of the reords isted sfufne in a list or schedule referred to it do not, or will not after the lapse of the period specified, have sufficient administrative, legal, research, or other value to warrant their continued preservation by the Gov- ernment, the Archivist shall notify the head of the agency by which the list or schedule was submitted of the action of the joint committee and the head of such agency shall cause such records to be disposed of in accordance with regulations promulgated as provided in section 2 of this Act. 381