Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/407

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 215-JULY 12, 1943 Adjustments in amounts. Adjustments in amounts. Transfer of addi- tional funds if Office actsas central agency. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR For necessary expenses for the Office of Solicitor including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase of lawbooks, books of reference, and periodicals, and payment of fees or dues for the use of law libraries by attorneys in the field service, $1,679,105, together with such amounts from other appro- priations or authorizations as are provided in the schedules in the Budget for the fiscal year 1944 for such expenses, which several amounts or portions thereof, as may be determined by the Secretary, not exceeding a total of $123,250, shall be transferred to and made a part of this appropriation; and there may be expended for per- sonal services in the District of Columbia not to exceed $845,000: Provided, however, That if the total amounts of such appropriations or authorizations for the fiscal year 1944 shall at any time exceed or fall below the amounts estimated, respectively, therefor in the Budget for 1944, the amounts transferred or to be transferred there- from to this appropriation and the amount which may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia shall be increased or decreased in such amounts as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, after a hearing thereon with representatives of the Depart- ment, shall determine are appropriate to the requirements as changed by such reductions or increases in such appropriations or authorizations. OFFICE OF INFORMATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses in connection with the publication, indexing, illustration, and distribution of bulletins, documents, and reports, the preparation, distribution and display of agricultural motion and sound pictures, and exhibits, and the coordination of informa- tional work in the Department, $439,257, together with such amounts from other appropriations or authorizations as are provided in the schedules in the Budget for the fiscal year 1944 for such expenses, which several amounts or portions thereof, as may be determined by the Secretary, not exceeding a total of $11,179, shall be transferred to and made a part of this appropriation, of which total appropriation amounts not exceeding those specified may be used for the purposes enumerated as follows: For personal services in the District of Columbia, $402,860; for preparation and display of exhibits, $40,000 and the preparation, distribution, and display of motion and sound pictures $50,000, including cooperation with Federal, State, County, Municipal, and other agencies: Provided, however, That if the total amounts of the appropriations or authorizations for the fiscal year 1944 from which transfers to this appropriation are herein author- ized shall at any time exceed or fall below the amounts estimated, respectively, therefor in the Budget for 1944, the amounts transferred or to be transferred therefrom to this appropriation and the amount which may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia shall be increased or decreased in such amounts as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, after a hearing thereon with representatives of the Department, shall determine are appropriate to the requirements as changed by such reductions or increases in such appropriations or authorizations: Provided further, That when and to the extent that in the judgment of the Secretary agricultural exhibits and motion and sound pictures relating to the authorized programs of the various agencies of the Department can be more advantageously prepared, displayed, or distributed by the Office of [57 STAT.