Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/423

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 215-JULY 12, 1943 54 Stat. 168. Availabilityof funds to designated agencies. Experiments and in- vestigations. the Bureau of Home Economics for conducting either independently or in cooperation with other agencies, investigations of the relative utility and economy of agricultural products for food, clothing, and other uses in the home, with special suggestions of plans and methods for the more effective utilization of such products for these purposes, and such economic investigations, including housing and household buying, as have for their purpose the improvement of the rural home, and for disseminating useful information on this subject, $416,131. BELTSVIULE RESEARCH CENTER For general administrative purposes, including maintenance, opera- tion, construction of necessary buildings at a cost of not to exceed $7,500 for any one building, repairs, and other expenses, $100,560; which appropriation may be augmented, by transfer of funds or by reimbursement, from applicable appropriations, to cover the charges, including handling and other related services, for equipment rentals (including depreciation, maintenance, and repairs); for services, sup- plies, equipment and materials furnished, stores of which may be maintained at the Center, and for building construction, alteration, and repair performed by the Center in carrying out the purposes of such applicable appropriations and the applicable appropriations may also be charged their proportionate share of the necessary general expenses of the Center not covered by this appropriation. WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST CONTROL For expenses necessary to enable the Secretary to carry out the purposes of the Act entitled "An Act for forest protection against the white pine blister rust", approved April 26, 1940 (16 U. S . C . 594a), and in accordance with the provisions thereof, including the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $1,900,000; of which amount $170,747 shall be available to the Department of the Interior for control of white pine blister rust on or endangering Federal lands under the jurisdiction of that Department or lands of Indian tribes which are under the jurisdic- tion of or retained under restrictions of the United States; $1,018,160 of said amount to the Forest Service for the control of white pine blister rust on or endangering lands under its juris- diction; and $711,093 of said amount to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine for leadership and general coordination of the entire program, method development, and for operations con- ducted under its direction for such control, including, but not con- fined to, cooperation with individual States, local authorities and private agencies in the control of white pine blister rust on or endangering State and privately owned lands. FOREST SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For the employment of persons and means in the District of Colum- bia and elsewhere to enable the Secretary to experiment and to make and continue investigations and report on forestry, national forests, forest fires, and lumbering, but no part of this appropriation shall be used for any experiment or test made outside the jurisdiction of the United States; to advise the owners of woodlands as to the proper care of the same; to investigate and test American timber and timber trees and their uses, and methods for the preservative treatment of timber; to seek, through investigations and the planting of native and foreign species, suitable trees for the treeless regions; to erect neces- [57 STAT. 410