Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/440

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 215-JULY 12, 1943 State rural rehabilitation corporations only for purposes for which funds made available under this caption may be expended, and the limitations applicable to such funds shall also be applicable to the expenditure of such trust funds by the Secretary of Agriculture. The appropriation and authorizations herein made under the head- ing "Loans, grants, and rural rehabilitation", shall constitute the total amount to be available for obligation under this heading during the fiscal year 1944 and shall not be supplemented by funds from any source. No part of the appropriation herein made under the heading "Loans, grants, and rural rehabilitation" shall be available to pay the compensation of any person appointed in accordance with the civil-service laws. FARM TENANCY To enable the Secretary through the War Food Administration to carry into effect the provisions of title I of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, approved July 22, 1937 (7 U. S . C. 1000-1006), as follows: Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses in connection with the making of loans under title I of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, approved July 22, 1937 (7 U. S . C. 1000-1006), and the collection of moneys due the United States on account of loans here- tofore made under the provisions of said Act, including the employ- ment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, exclusive of printing and binding as authorized by said Act, $1,326,070. Loans: For loans to individual farmers in accordance with title I of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, approved July 22, 1937 (7 U. S. C. 1000-1006), $30,000,000, which sum shall be borrowed from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation at an interest rate of 3 per centum per annum and which sum shall not be used for making loans under the terms of said Act for the purchase of farms of greater value than the average farm unit of thirty acres and more m the county, parish, or locality in which such purchase may be made, which value shall be determined solely according to statistics of the farm census of 1940: Provided, That the amount which is available to any State or Territory for making loans under such title I shall be distributed by the Secretary, in accordance with rules pre- scribed by him, among the several counties or parishes in such State or Territory, except that he shall not distribute to any such county or parish in excess of two times the amount which would be dis- tributed to such county or parish were the entire amount available to the State or Territory distributed among the several counties or parishes in such State or Territory on the basis of farm population and the prevalence of tenancy, or an amount sufficient to make not more than five loans in any one State or Territory, whichever amount is the larger; and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to lend such sum to the Secretary upon the security of any obligations of borrowers from the Secretary under the provisions of title I of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, approved July 22, 1937 (7 U. S . C. 1000-1006): Provided, That the amount loaned by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation shall not exceed 85 per centum of the principal amount outstanding of the obligations constituting the security erefor: Promded fauther, That the reta may utilize proceeds from payments of principal and intet on any loans made under such title I to repay the econ- struction Finance on he amot borrowed e undoer 427 50 Stat. 522. Distribution. RFC loa. Limitation on amoun t. Repayme-t .