Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/451

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[57 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 218 -JULY 12, 1943 56 Stat. 533 . Post, p . 445. 56 Stat. 535 . 43 Stat. 1011; 44 Stat. 487; 49 Stat. 386; 38 Stat. 1084. 31 U. . C., Supp. II, § 686. Ante, p. 219 . Repayment. Post, p. 445 . Post, p. 445. 56 Stat. 560. and maintenance of the power system, contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1943, is hereby increased to $110,000. Boulder Canyon project: The limitation of $750,000 upon the amount which may be expepded from power and other revenues for operation, maintenance, and replacements, including other specific purposes, contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1943, is hereby increased to $950,000. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY To enable the Geological Survey to meet obligations incurred by it arising from cooperative work pending reimbursement from coop- erating agencies in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of February 27, 1925 (43 U. S. C . 39, 40); May 10, 1926, as amended (43 U. S. C. 48); June 17, 1935 (43 U. S. C. 49); March 4, 1915, as amended (31 U. S . C. 686); and July 2, 1942 (56 Stat. 537-539), fiscal year 1943, $400,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the 1943 appropriation account of the Geological Survey: Provided, That there shall be returned to the Treasury not later than six months after the close of the fiscal year 1943 out of reimbursements received from cooperating agencies an amount equal to the sum herein appropriated. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES Salaries and expenses, Government of the Virgin Islands: For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified for the appropriation for this purpose in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1943 (56 Stat. 560), $7,000. Salaries and expenses, agricultural experiment station and voca- tional school, Virgin Islands: For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified for the appropriation for this purpose in the Interior Department Appro- priation Act, 1943 (56 Stat. 560), $2,100. Defraying deficits in treasuries of municipal governments, Virgin Islands: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1943, for defraying the deficit in the treasury of the municipal government of Saint Croix because of the excess of current expenses over current revenues for the fiscal year 1943 (56 Stat. 560), $45,000. PUERTO RICAN HURRICANE RELIEF The limitation of $19,950 upon the amount that may be expended for administrative expenses, Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief, con- tained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1943, is hereby increased to $22,350. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THF ATrORNEY GENERAL Fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners, United States courts: For an additional amount for fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners, United States courts, fiscal years 1937-40, including the objects specified under this head in the Second Deficiency Appro- priation Act, fiscal year 1937 (50 Stat. 224), $335.98 . Probation system, United States courts: For an additional amount for probation system, United States courts, fiscal year 1939 (52 Stat. 264), 88 cents. 438