Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/568

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 233-JULY 13, 1943 filing of such application, payment of such benefits and the right thereto shall be terminated and he shall be denied any and all rights thereto from date of receipt of such application by the Veterans' Administration. The renouncement provided for herein shall not preclude the person from filing a new application for pension or compensation at a future date but such application shall have the attributes of an original application and no payment will be made for any period prior to the date thereof." SEC. 4. Any person shown by evidence satisfactory to the Adminis- trator of Veterans' Affairs to be guilty of mutiny, treason, sabotage, or rendering assistance to an enemy of the United States or of its allies shall forfeit all accrued or future benefits under laws admin- istered by the Veterans' Administration pertaining to gratuities for veterans and their dependents: Provided, however, That the Adminis- trator of Veterans' Affairs, in his discretion, may apportion and pay any part of such benefits to the dependents of such person not exceed- ing the amount to which each dependent would be entitled if such person were dead. SEc. 5 . When any person not a citizen of the United States entitled to compensation, pension, or other gratuity under laws administered by the Veterans' Administration is located in the territory of or under military control of an enemy of the United States or of any of its allies, any award .of such benefits in favor of such person shall be terminated forthwith and such person shall not be entitled to any such benefits except upon the filing of a new claim accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs show- ing that the claimant was not guilty of any of the offenses enumerated in section 4 of this Act: Provided, That no compensation, pension, or other gratuity shall be paid for any period prior to the date of such new claim: Provided further, That while such person is located in a territory of or under military control of an enemy of the United States or any of its allies, any part of the benefits to which such person would otherwise be entitled may, in the discretion of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs2 be apportioned and paid to the dependents of such person who are in the United States or in a place not occupied or controlled by such enemy, except that the amount so apportioned and paid shall not exceed the amount to which each dependent would be entitled if such person were dead. SEc. 6. Paragraph V of Veterans Regulation Numbered 10, as amended, is hereby amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and substituting therefor a colon and the following: "of a World War II veteran-who was married to the veteran prior to the expiration of ten years subsequent to the termination of hostilities incident to the present war as determined by proclamation of the President or by concurrent resolution of the Congress." Sac. 7 . Paragraph VI of Veterans Regulation Numbered 10-Series is hereby amended to read as follows: "VI. The term 'child' shall mean a person unmarried and under the age of eighteen years, unless prior to reaching the age of eighteen years the child becomes or has become permanently incapable of self- support by reason of mental or physical defect, who is a legitimate child; a child legally adopted; a stepchild if a member of the man's household; an illegitimate child but as to the father only if acknowledged in writing, signed by him, or if he has been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute to the child's support or has been, prior to his death judicially decreed to be the putative father of such child, or if he is otherwise shown by evidence satisfactory to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to be the putative father of such child: P ad, That the payment of pe sio shall be ontinued after New application. Mutiny,treason,etc. Forfeiture of bene- fits. Payments to de- pendents. Non-citizen in en- emy territory. Termination of benefits. New claim. Payments to de pendents. 88U.8. C. note foll. 724. Widow of World War I veteran. 38U.S.C. note toll. "724. "Child." Paymen* ate iM birthday.