Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/666

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INDEX Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, settlement of claims of District of Columbia against, authorized ---- Bang's Disease, appropriation for erad- ication -------------------------- Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act. See Farm Tenant Act. Banks: Federal Home Loan Bank Administra- tion, appropriation for --------- Federal Reserve- Authority to act as depositaries, etc. , for Commodity Credit Corpora- tion------------------------ Notes, use of direct obligations of United States as collateral secu- rity for, time extension ------- Suspension of certain assessment and reserve requirements----------- Government depositaries, use of, in connection with payment of taxes_ - Appropriation for expenses incident Page 341 401 185 566 65 138 to -------------------------- 544 Barberry Eradication, appropriation for__ 407 Barley, importation for feed, free of duty, during 90-day period -_ - -- -- -- - -- - 607 Bartlesville, Okla., appropriation for pur- chase of land for petroleum experi- ment station---------------------- 481 Battle Monuments Commission, Ameri- can, appropriation for-------------- 170 Battleground National Cemetery, appro- priation for ----------------------- 488 Bauxite, appropriation for investigation, etc. , of---------------------- 27, 483, 623 Bayou Teche, La., appropriation for flood- control work --------------------- 96 Bee Culture, appropriation for-..-------- 407 Beltsville Research Center, Md.: Appropriation for --------- 401, 405, 410, 444 Buildings, cost limitation -- - ---- --- 410 Bennett, Philip A., payment to widow of__ 21 Benton, Ill., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for main- taining office of-------------------- 241 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Ltd., appropriation for payment of judg- ment ---------------------..---- 33 Big Bend Drainage District, Wyo., appro- priation for Indians' pro rata share of cost of operation, etc ------------ 463 Bill of Rights Week, proclamation author- ized --------------------------- 605 Biological Investigations, appropriation for ----------------------------- 481 Birds. See also Alaska Game Law. Appropriation for- Bald eagle, protection of--------- - 481 Migratory Bird Conservation Act, effecting provisions of---------- 49( Birds-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Migratory Bird Conservation Fund_ 490 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, enforce- ment------------------------ 489 Reservations, maintenance of------- 489 Bituminous Coal Act of 1937: Amendments, time extensions--------- 68, 82 Appropriation to effect provisions of -_ 437 Bituminous Coal Consumers' Counsel, appropriation for--------------- --- 433 Bituminous Coal Division. See under In- terior, Department of the. Bituminous Coal Taxes, time extensions_ 68 , 82 Black Bass Act, appropriation for enforce- ment--------------------------- 489 Blackfeet Hospital, Mont., appropriation for------------------------------ 467 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont.: Appropriation for- Irrigation systems ------------- 445, 462 Land, purchase of----------------- 458 Black-Outs, coordination of nonprotective volunteer civilian services in D. C __ 560 Blackstone, Sir William, acceptance of statue of; appropriation authorized__ 431 Blind: Appropriation for- American Printing House for------- 498 Books for adult------------------- 235 Grants to States for aid to ------ 160, 510 Operation of stands in Federal build- ings, administration of provisions authorizing----------------- 502, 536 Vocational rehabilitation. See Voca- tional Rehabilitation Act Amend- ments of 1943. Blood Plasma, use of funds for procure- ment of ------------------------- 24 Boise Project, Idaho: Appropriation for- Construction-------------------- 474, 477 Operation and maintenance--------- 473 Bonds, Securities, etc. See also Public Debt Act of 1943. Anchorage, Alaska, purchase and im- provement of electric light and power system; bond issue --------- 245 War bonds- Shoshone Tribe, Wind River Reser- vation, Wyo., purchases for members of ----- _--------- 470, 623 Suspension of certain assessment and reserve requirements under Fed- eral Reserve Act-------------- 65 Bonneville Dam, Oreg. , appropriation for construction of power plant --------- 96 Bonneville Power Administration, appro- Driation for -------------------- _ - 454 ...-- Ofr -- -