Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/690

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XXXIV Federal Highway Act-Continued. Rehabilitation of roads and bridges, use of funds apportioned to States Federal Home Loan Bank Administration: Appropriation for --- ---- Deposit of funds in special account_ _ Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations- Federal Housing Administration. See also National Housing Act, Amendments. Appropriation for___ -__- _ _ Losses under insurance, funds available for payment ----- _-- -- __ _- --- _ INDEX Page 562 185 186 255 187 187 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations_ 253, 255 Federal Insurance Contributions Act, Amendment, suspension of increase in tax rate --. . __-------------------- 607 Federal Land Banks: Loans to farmers, time extension------ 196 Payments to, on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages --- 251 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ------ 255 Federal Power Commission: Appropriation for - -___---__ 174 Investigations, cooperation with Bureau of Reclamation in ----------- 475, 477 Federal Prison Industries, transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations- --------- __-__ 253 Federal Prisoners. See Prisoners, Fed- eral. Federal Public Housing Authority: Appropriation for ------------ . . - __- 188 Judgments------------------_ -- - 546 Low-rent housing projects, citizenship requirement for tenants- _ - 188 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations- _ 253, 255 Federal Register, appropriation for print- ing, etc ----_ -- ______-__ _ . - 21, 237, 538 Federal Regulations, Code of, appropria- tion for printing, etc -------------- 238 Federal Reserve Act, Amendments: Federal Reserve notes, use of direct obligations of United States as collateral security for, time exten- sion._____ -- -- ___ __- 85 Suspension of certain assessment and reserve requirements---- _ ___ 65 Federal Reserve Banks, authority to act as depositaries, etc., of Commodity Credit Corporation ------- --------- 566 Federal Security Agency: Appropriation Act, 1944 ----. _ _ _---- _ 498 Appropriation for- Administrator, Office of... _ . _ 442, 511, 615 American Printing House for the Blind ----------------. . . . .. . . 498 Federal Security Agency-Continued. Page Appropriation for Continued. Civilian Conservation Corps---- 498 Columbia Institution for the Deaf_ 442, 499 Community war services- 511 Damage claims ..------- 33, 545 , 616, 632 Education, Office of----- 24, 442, 501, 616 Colleges of agriculture and me- chanic arts, endowment of---- 501 Defense workers, education and training _.-----._. -- -__ 24, 503 Time limitation on use of funds_ 520 Loans to students in technical and professional fields ----------- 501 National-defense activities ------- 442 Vocational education --- __ ____ 442, 502 Food and Drug Administration___ 442 , 499 Freedmen's Hospital ----- ___ 433, 442 , 500 Howard University - ---_ 24, 434, 442, 501 National Youth Administration liq- uidation --------- ... ..---- --- _ 615 Overtime or other pay increases ----- 442 Printing and binding --------------- 513 Public Health Service. See separate title. St. Elizabeths Hospital----------- 443, 509 Social Security Board. See separate title. Traveling expenses ---- __ ___ _ 512, 615 Vocational rehabilitation_ 442 , 502, 536, 616 Freedmen's Hospital, amount charge- able to District of Columbia for_ 433, 500 National Youth Administration. See separate title. Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating ------------- ___ _.___ 519 Public Health Service. See separate title. Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after___ _ 519 Social Security Board. See separate title. Transfer of funds authorized- __- - __- 512, 513 Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from. ---------- _ ___ __ 192 Vocational rehabilitation. See Voca- tional Rehabilitation Act Amend- ments of 1943. Federal Seed Act, appropriation to effect provisions of-------------------- 422 Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ---- .. 253 Federal Trade Commission: Appropriation for ------.------------ 175 Damage claims-------------------..33