Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/705

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Justice, Department of-Continued. Page District of Columbia, division of ex- penditures for certain offices ----- 290 Federal Bureau of Investigation- Detail of personnel for duty on Capi- tol Grounds ----------------- 230 Restriction on use of funds for pay- ments to civil-service employees- 287 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice- Allowances for living quarters, etc., limitation -----------

__ 288 Cooperating agencies, reimbursement- 288 Ellis Island Immigration Station, use of hospitals by Public Health Service---------------------- 507 Interpreters, employment of aliens-_ 288 Lifetime Federal Digest, price limita- tion - -------

301 Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating---------------------- 301 Penal and correctional institutions, minor purchases without advertis- ing--------------------------- 289 Public Health Service, assignment of officers to prison service; transfer of funds-------- --------------- 289 Salaries, interchangeability of amounts appropriated for--------------- 283 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ---------------------- 301 State, Department of, matters under joint control, investigations--- 286, 287 United States Attorneys, duties under Alaska Game Law -------------- 310 United States Code Annotated, price limitation ------------------- 283, 301 K Kansas: Indians, appropriation for support, etc- 465 Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to interstate com- pact concerning --------------- 383 Republican River, interstate compact for division of waters; consent of Congress----------------------- 86 Enactment of provisions -- _-- - - - -- - 91 Kayenta Sanatorium, Ariz., appropriation for-----------

466 Kendrick Project, Wyo., appropriation for operation and maintenance- 437, 445, 473 Kentucky: Cumberland Gap National Historial f--l. .t . A f-lat. oRN Kentucky-Continued. Page Interstate compacts, consent of Congress to- Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, entrance into compact for acquisition of property--------- 86 Indiana-Kentucky boundary line---- 248 Oil and gas conservation --------- _ 383 Kentucky Dam, Gilbertsville, Ky., appro- priation for construction------_ __ _ _ _ 190 Keswick Dam and Power Plant, Calif., appropriation for construction ------ 476 Kings Canyon National Park, Calif., appropriation for --------. .. - ___.__ 486 Kiowa Hospital, Okla., appropriation for- 467 Klamath Indians, Oreg.: Appropriation for- Irrigation projects ------------ __ 445, 462 Support, etc------------------- 445, 468 Klamath Project, Oreg. -Calf.: Appropriation for- Construction ---------- _

474 Operation and maintenance-------- 473 L Labor, Department of: Appropriation Act, 1944------------- 494 Appropriation for- Audited claims------ 37, 39, 549, 636, 640 Children's Bureau ------ 28, 446, 496, 569 Child-welfare services ---------- - 497 Crippled children, services for----- 497 Fair Labor Standards Act, child- labor provisions -------- 446, 496 Maternal and child health services- 497 Maternal and child welfare----- 446, 496 Maternity and infant care, emer- gency---------------- 28, 497, 569 Salaries and expenses ------- 446, 496 Conciliation, commissioners of---- . - 28, 446, 495 Contingent expenses --------------- 494 Labor Standards, Division of-- 446, 495, 625 Labor Statistics, Bureau of--- 28, 446, 496 Overtime or other pay increases----- 446 Printing and binding ------------- 495 Safety and health program --- _-- 446, 495 Salaries --------------------- 446, 494 Secretary, Office of------- 28,446, 494, 625 Solicitor, Office of ------------- 446, 494 Traveling expenses ------------ _ 28,495 Wage and Hour Division--- .- -- - - - 498 Women's Bureau- --------- 446,498,626 Children's Bureau, restriction on.with- holding of moneys from State agencies--- ------ ------------- Overthrow of U. S . Government, restrio- tion on employment of pe o aldnwatnins - - -1 INDEX XLIX l-- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rarJ , e s-wumwxUu -U --- --- - w