Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/708

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Lower Rio Grande Flood-Control Project, Page appropriation for------------------ 279 Lugert-Altus Project, Okla., appropria- tion for construction ------------- 27, 477 Lummi Diking Project, Wash., appropria- tion for ------------------ 461 Lunch and Milk Program, School, appro- priation for maintenance and opera- tion -------------------------- 420 M MacArthur Lock, St. Marys River, Mich., designation of-------------------- 152 Madera Canal, Calif., appropriation for construction __ ----------- -------- 476 Magnesium Pilot Plants and Research, appropriation for ----------- 445, 483, 624 Magnetic and Seismological Work, ap- propriation for------------------ 296, 444 Mail. See Post Office Department; Postal Service. Maine: Appropriation for- Acadia National Park ____________ 486 Marine school, maintenance _-- -_- 535 Mammal and Bird Reservations, appro- priation for maintenance _._ -----_-- 489 Manganese Beneficiation Pilot Plants and Research, appropriation for------- 445, 482 Manpower Commission. See War Man- power Commission. Map of the World on the Millionth Scale, International, appropriation for con- tribution ----- -- -.-- _ 278 Marine and War-Risk Insurance: Companies performing services, etc., with respect to vessels ---- Retroactive coverage ----------- .. __- Risks of war, definition of______- __ 51 47 51 Scope extended --------- _ - - ___ 47 Servicing insurance, compensation for_ 50 Suits against United States, inter- pleader in --------- __- - -- - -___ 50 Marine Band, attendance at convention of Grand Army of the Republic; appropriation authorized----------- 553 Marine Corps. See also Navy Depart- ment. Adjutant and Inspector's Department, abolishment; transfer of functions_ 84 Appropriation for ----------------- 207, 218 Cherry Point, N. C., Aviation Base, transfer of custody of certain lands within--------------_ - -- - - -- - __ 604 Clothing allowance on discharge for bad conduct, etc., increase------------ 628 Commissioned warrant officers, estab- lishment of certain grades -------- 574 Marine Corps-Continued. Courts martial, naval, extension of ju- risdiction in time of war or emer- gency ------------------------- Damage claims, settlement of- Foreign countries, damages in__ --- -- Personal property losses, etc------- Funds available --------- Deceased personnel, settlement of ac- counts_ Page 41 66 582 583 583 Dependents- Family allowances for-- 577 Hospitalization of----------------- 80 Expansion of facilities, appropria- tion authorized-------------- 80 Transportation of, authorized ------- 593 Disbursing officers, credit in ac- counts of------------------- 594 Embassies, etc., in foreign countries, enlisted men as custodians ------- 275 Reimbursement for expenses -- _- __- 276 Enlisted men, appointment to Naval Academy, service requirement_ - 54, 204 Family allowances ------------------ 577 Household effects, transportation of, authorized-------- _ -- -- -- - -- -- _ _ _ 593 Inductees- Expenses of, funds available for - -- Limitations on number of, removal - Insurance, National Service Life, eligi- bility without medical examina- tion, etc., of persons in active service -------------- ______-_--- Money allowances in lieu of transporta- tion in kind------------------- Naval stores, procurement and sale of _ Notarial powers of certain officers dur- ing war or emergency . . Per diem rates of allowance, funds for - Personal property losses, reimburse- ment for----------------_ __ -_ _ Funds available - ---------- ___ - Personnel, Director of, transfer of functions to; detail-------------- Prisoners, funds available for certain expenses of --------------- __-__ Rental allowances ---------------- 1 Reorganization __--_------__-____-__ Reserve- Pay restriction, officers and men drawing pension, etc --------- Payment on death of certain officers - Uniform allowance to officers com- missioned pursuant to National Aviation Cadet Act of 1942---- Women's Reserve. See Women's Re- serve, this title. Retired personnel on active duty, pay and allowances---- ___ ___ __ ___ _- 215 56 64 204 60 58 217 582 583 84 153 3, 370 84 200 574 573 216 INDEX LII