Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/80

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78TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 67-APR. 22 , 1943 shall be allowed under this Act: Provided further, That any such Settlements to be settlements made by such Commissions under the authority of this Act shall be final and conclusive for all purposes, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary. "SEC. 2 . All payments in settlement of claims under section 1 of Fnndsavaiabe. this Act shall be made out of the appropriation, current at the time of settlement, for 'Pay, subsistence, and transportation of naval per- sonnel', as to claims settled by Commissions composed of officers of the Navy or Marine Corps, and out of the appropriation, current at the time of settlement, for 'Finance Service, Army', as to claims settled by Commissions composed of officers of the Army. "SEC. 3 . This Act shall be supplementary to, and not in lieu of, t deemed supp le all other provisions of law authorizing consideration, ascertainment, adjustment, determination, or payment of claims by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively. "SEC. 4. This Act shall be applicable to claims not heretofore Applcabiity. satisfied arising on or after May 27, 1941: Provided,That as to any claim in excess of $1,000 this Act shall be applicable for the purpose of payment thereof, or the purpose of the certification thereof to Congress for payment, only if the accident or incident out of which such claim arises has occurred, or shall occur, subsequent to December 6, 1941. "SEC. 5. The Act of April 18, 1918 (40 Stat. 532), relating to 3 1ct UpeaCednp indemnity for damages caused by American forces abroad, is hereby , i 223a. repealed. "SEc. 6 . Claims of the type described in section 1 hereof on account Coast Guard- of damage to or loss or destruction of property both real and per- sonal, or personal injury or death of any person, caused by Coast Guard forces, or individual members, including military personnel and civilian employees thereof, or otherwise incident to activities of such forces, arising at any time while the Coast Guard shall be oper- ating as a part of the Navy may be considered, ascertained, adjusted, determined, and paid in the manner in this Act provided for the settlement of Navy and Marine Corps claims, except that in such cases one or more officers of the Coast Guard may be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to a Claims Commission or Commissions or as officers to approve settlements of claims made by such Com- mission or Commissions, and all payments in settlement of such claims shall be made out of the appropriation 'General expenses, Coast Guard': Provided, That no claims on account of damage to or loss or destruction of property, or personal injury or death. caused by Coast Guard forces, or individual members thereof, or otherwise incident to the activities of such forces, shall be considered, ascer- tained, adjusted. determined, or paid under the provisions of this Act at any time when the Coast Guard shall be operating under the Treasury Department. "SEC. . In time of war, any claims, whether Army, Navy, Marine .ttements intime Corps, or Coast Guard, which may be settled under this Act may, at the request of the service concerned, be settled by any Commission or Commissions appointed under this Act even though not composed of officers of the service concerned, subject to reimbursement by the service for whom the claims -were settled pursuant to the provisions of this Act." Approved April 22, 1943. 67 57 S'TAT.]