Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/322

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. in the Polish armed forces, by indicating to their local draft boards before their induction their desire to serve in the Polish armed forces in lieu of the United States forces; 4) The Polish Government expresses the hope that Polish citizens serving in the armed forces of the United States, whether they have or have not declared their intention of becoming citizens of the United States will be accorded to their full extent the opportunities and advantages available to citizens of the United States, in respect of their service in the armed forces of the United States; 5) Although according to Polish law, Polish citizens are not liable for service in any armed forces except those of their own country without the consent of the Polish Government, the Polish Government does not wish to raise this objection at the present time in view of existing special circumstances; how- ever, the Polish Government reserves the right of reciprocity with regard to American citizens residing on Polish territory. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. J. CMICHANOWSKI. The Honorable CORDELL HUTL, Secretary of State. The Secretary of State to the Polish Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON February 25, 1943 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of Jan- uary 26, 1943, in which you state that your Government affirms its acceptance of the stipulations contained in the Department's notes of March 30, 1942 and December 14, 1942 concerning the services of the nationals of one country in the Armed Forces of the other country. Effective date. I take pleasure in informing you that this agreement is now con- sidered by this Government as having become effective on January 27, 1943, the date on which your note under acknowledgment was received in the Department. The appropriate authorities of this Government have been informed accordingly, and I may assure you that this Government will carry out the agreement in the spirit of full cooperation with your Government. It is suggested that all the details incident to carrying out the agreement be discussed directly by officers of the Embassy with the appropriate officers in the War Department and the Selective Service System. Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Sailor, of the Recruiting and In- 958