Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/335

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57 STAT.] GREECE-MILITARY SERVICE- Mar. 31 ,19427 Feb. 8, Mar. 2, 16, 1943 971 The Greek Ambassador to the Secretary of State ROYAL GREEK EMBASSY WASHINGTON, D. C. No. 431 March 2, 1943 EXCELLENCY: Referring to your Notes of March 31, 1942 and February 8, 1943, and to conversations between officials of the Greek Embassy and the Department of State regarding the application of the Selective Train- ing and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to Greek nationals in the United States and reciprocal treatment of American citizens serving in the Greek Army, in accordance with instructions of my Govern- ment I have the honor to accept the proposal as outlined in your aforesaid Notes and to advise that it agrees to do so under the condi- tions stated and with the stipulation set forth in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) in your Note. I also wish to bring to the attention of Your Excellency that according to a Royal Decree Greek citizens belonging to the Navy reserves who are residing in the United States and who have not declared their intention to become citizens, are under obligation to register for service in the Royal Greek Navy at the Consular offices of Greece in this conmtry. I shall highly appreciate it if you will advise me the names of the appropriate officers in the War Department and the Selective Service System with whom Greek officials may discuss all details incident to carrying out the agreement. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. C. DIAMANTOPOULOS His Excellency Mr. CORDELL HuTLL, Secretar? of State lIashington, D.C. The Secretary of State to the Greek Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHI NGTON March 16, 1943 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 431 of March 2, 1943, in which you state that your Government desires to enter into- the agreement, proposed in the Department's notes of March 31, 1942 and February 8, 1943, concerning the services of nationals of one country in the armed forces of the other country. You state that your Government agrees to the conditions and stipu-