Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/403

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57 STAT.] VENEZUELA-FOODSTUFFS PRODUCTION-MAY 14, 1943 foodstuffs production in Venezuela, and, consequently, of increasing the commercial and economic relations between the two countries, it has been agreed between the Government of the United States of Venezuela and the Government of the United States of America to execute a plan in accordance with the following clauses: First. The Government of the United States of Venezuela binds itself to create a special Office in the Technical Institute of Immigra- tion and Colonization. The said Office which shall be denominated SERVICIO COOPERATIVO INTERAMERICANO DE PRODUCCION DE ALIMENTOS (Inter-American Cooperative Food Production Service), and hereinafter will be referred to as S.C .I .P.A., will be under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. The S.C.I.P .A. shall be responsible for the execution of the food pro- duction plan to be formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in collaboration with the Food Production Mis- sion to be sent to Venezuela by the Institute of Inter-American Affairs of the United States of America. Second. The essential objective of the S.C .I .P.A . shall be the increased production in Venezuela of foodstuffs of vegetable and animal origin of primary necessity, and its activities shall include the following: a) Technical assistance for the improvement of the production of foodstuffs of animal and vegetable origin; b) Provision of means, tools, equipment, insecticides, and other necessary items for the increase of production of foodstuffs of animal and vegetable origin; c) Amplification of the resources at the disposal of the Government of Venezuela for the development of production of foodstuffs of animal and vegetable origin, in order efficiently and harnlonioulsly to adapt that production to modern agricultural techiniques employed in Venezuela and in the United States; d) Development of plans, technical assistance, and the execution of irrigation, drainage, and soil-conservation works; e) Collaboration in the solution of problems of handling, storage, conservation, and distribution of foodstuffs; f) Technical and financial assistance for agricultural colonization; and g) Improvement in the nutrition of the inhabitants of the areas where the production plan is to be especially developed. Third. The Institute of Inter-American Affairs of the United States of America shall appoint a Food Production Mission in order to lend its collaboration to S.C.I.P .A. in the development of the pro- duction plan referred to. The said Mission shall be under the direc- tion of an expert who shall have the title of Chief of the Food Produc- tion Mission in Venezuela. This chief official shall be the representa- tive of the Division of Food Production of the Institute of Inter- American Affairs in Venezuela. 1039