Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/521

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-MIGRATION OF AGRICULTURAL WORKERS-APR. 26, 1943 Renuevo a Vuestra Excelencia el testimonio de mi mas alta y dis- tinguida consideraci6n. E. PADILLA Excelentisimo seiior GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Embajador Extraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. [Translation] DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO CITY 317 MEXICO CITY, April 26, 1943. MR. AMBASSADOR: With relation to the conversations held in this Department between representatives of the Embassy in Your Excellency's charge and of the Farm Security Administration, on the one hand, and of the De- partments of Gobernaci6n, of Agricultura y Fomento, of Labor and Social Welfare and of this Department of Foreign Relations, on the other, with the object of examining the amendments which it would be proper to introduce in the arrangement of August 4, 1942, relative 56 Stat. 759 to agricultural workers who enter the United States to render their services, it is a. pleasure for me to make the following statement to Your Excellency: The Government of Mexico, which is pleased to render this collab- oration to that of the United States of America, is grateful for the spirit of understanding evidenced by the representatives of the Embassy and of the Farm Security Administration and, in view thereof, takes the liberty of submitting to Your Excellency's approval the text which would amend the above-mentioned arrangemenlet of August 4, 1942, in the understanding that these amendlnents will apply both to the workers who were engaged under tile arrangement in question and to those who have been engaged and will continue to be engaged in accordance with the request of the United States Government. The amendments to the arrangement of August 4, 1942, are written in capitals: [Here follows the text of the revised agreement, the English version of which appears on p. 1158.] In case Your Excellency, as I hope, considers the text of the arrange- ment acceptable as it is set forth in the foregoing sections, it will be sufficient for you to communicate it to me in writing for the same to come into force. I renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest and most distinguished consideration. E. PADILLA His Excellency GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. City. R1077°-- 44 -PT. II - -33 1157