Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/559

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57 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN-CRIMINAL OFFENSES, JURISDICTION-JULY 27, 1942 1195 that satisfactory machinery will be devised between the competent American and British authorities for such mutual assistance as may be required in making investigations and collecting evidence in respect of offences which members of the United States Forces are alleged to have committed, or in which they are alleged to be concerned. His Majesty's Government have no doubt that the United States Govern- ment will agree that it would as a general rule be desirable that such preliminary action should be taken by the British authorities, on behalf of the American authorities, where the witnesses or other persons from whom it is desired to take statements are not members of the United States Forces. Conversely, His Majesty's Government trust that they may count upon the assistance of the American au- thorities in connexion with the prosecution before British courts of persons who are not members of the United States Forces where the evidence of any member of these Forces is required or where the assistance of the American authorities in the investigation of the case (including the taking of statements from the American forces) may be needed. 9. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are prepared to extend the proposed legislation where necessary to British Colonies and Dependencies under their authority, other than those British territories in which are situated the United States Military and Naval Bases leased in pursuance of the Agreement of the 27th March, 1941, where the question of jurisdiction is already regulated by that Agreement. I accordingly propose that the foregoing paragraphs of this note, and your eventual reply, should be regarded as extending also to the arrangements to be made in the British Colonies and Dependencies to which the proposed legislation may be applied. 10. Finally, His Majesty's Government propose that the foregoing arrangements should operate during the conduct of the conflict against our common enemies and until six months (or such other period as may be mutually agreed upon) after the final termination of such con- flict and the restoration of a state of peace. 11. If the foregoing arrangements are acceptable to the United States Government, I have the honour to propose that the present note and your reply be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments to which effect shall be given as from the date on which the legislation ['] to which I have already referred takes effect. I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, ANTHONY EDEN His Excellency The Honourable JOHN G. WINANT, etc., etc., etc. 1, Grosvenor Square, W. 1 . [1] [United States of America (Visiting Forces) Act, 1942. 5 & 6 Geo. 6 . Ch. 31. August 6, 1942.] Extension to British Colonies and De- pendencies. Exceptions. 55 Stat. 1560. Period of operation. Exchange of notes as constituting agree- ment; effective date.