Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/644

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1280 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. afio, permaneciendo con posterioridad a dicha fecha sujetos a ter- minaci6n en virtud de aviso que se de con seis meses de anticipaci6n por cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos. Sobre el particular me permito comunicar a Vuestra Excelencia que la Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento de los Estados Unidos Mexi- canos ha comunicado a esta de Relaciones Exteriores que se han seguido llevando a cabo con toda actividad los trabajos relacionados con el fomento de plantas huliferas. Asimismo, me complace informar a Vuestra Excelencia que el Gobierno de Mexico esti conforme en que, tanto la atenta nota a que arriba se alude como la presente, se consideren como constancias de que el Convenio en cuesti6n, asi como los documentos que lo comple- mentan, continuen en vigor, en la inteligencia de que, como arriba se indica, dicho Convenio se dara por terminado previo aviso de cual- quiera de los dos Gobiernos en un plazo de seis meses. Al comunicar a Vuestra Excelencia lo anterior aprovecho la opor- tunidad para renovarle una vez mas el testimonio de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. E. PADILLA Excelentisimo Senor GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Embajador Extraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. [Translation] MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO CITY 57090 MEXICO, D.F ., September 20, 1943. MR. AMBASSADOR: With relation to Your Excellency's kind note 1453 dated July 10, last, this Ministry takes pleasure in advising you that the Mexican Government is in accord that the Agreement of April 11, 1941, entered into between the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of Mexico and the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America, as well as the memoranda supplementing it, continue in effect from June 30 of this year, thereafter being subject to termina- tion on six months' notice by either Government. In this respect, permit me to advise Your Excellency that the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of the United Mexican States has advised this Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the works in relation with the development of rubber-bearing plants continue to be actively carried out. At the same time, I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that the Government of Mexico agrees to consider the kind note mentioned above, as well as this note, as evidence that the Agreement in ques- tion, together with the documents supplementing it, shall continue in