Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/647

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-RUBBER INVESTIGATIONS- Sep 120 1943 Sept. 20, 1943 plants which said Department may require for investigations herein contemplated or may desire to ship elsewhere, provided, however, that all such shipments, imports or exports shall be authorized by a duly qualified official of said Department. 4. To facilitate the entry into Mexico, free of all duties or other fees, of all property and materials needed in the proposed cooperative work. A like exemption from duties and fees shall be requested for the personal effects of all employees of the United States Department of Agriculture who are engaged in this cooperative work. 5. To prohibit redistribution of any selected strains of rubber trees furnished by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America to the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of the United Mexican States, to individuals, companies or other govern- ments, except to those individuals, companies or governments who are willing to reciprocate by furnishing such similar material as they may have in their possession; this restriction shall be passed on to any other individual, company or government receiving material to prevent contravening the purpose of this restriction. This restriction does not apply to extension work that is to be undertaken by the Government of Mexico to develop rubber planta- tions within the territory of the United Mexican States. Farmers receiving selected strains should, however, recognize the obligation of refraining from their transfer to other parties and of introducing in the plantations which they establish any other kind of rubber trees which have not previously been approved by the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of the United Mexican States. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGREES: 1. To furnish to the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of the United Mexican States free of charge at its propagating stations or experimental fields, stocks of superior strains of the rubber tree now in its possession, as well as any additional strains collected on surveys or bred at its experiment stations, which, after test by it, are found to be superior. Such distribution will be made at as early a date and in such quantity as may be possible in accordance with the facilities available for propagation and the equitable demands or requirements of other individuals, companies or governments cooperating in this work. 2. To supply to the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of the United Mexican States such investigators and rubber specialists as may be necessary to advise and aid in the establishment of nurseries and the general development of the experimental work, including the direction and education of the planters in proper methods of propa- gation, planting, cultivation, thinning, tapping, preparation of rubber for market and other operations essential to the proper maintenance and productivity of their plantations. It will also conduct, in cooper- ation with the Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento of the United Mexican States, field investigations on specific problems of rubber culture when necessary. 1283 Exemption from du- ties, etc. Redistribution of selected strains of rubber trees, restric- tion. Distribution of su- eeriorstrains of rub. ber tree. Investigators and rubber specialists.