Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/674

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. October 23,1942 Agreement between the United States of America and Colombia respect- [E. A . S.369] ing a health and sanitation program. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Bogotd October 23, 1942. The American Ambassador to the Colombian Minister of Foreign Relations EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 115 Bogotd, October 2S, 1942. EXCELLENCY: I have' the honor to refer to the request of Your Excellency's Government, through the Colombian Ambassador in Washington, for assistance in the execution of a cooperative program of public health and sanitation in Colombia and to the conversations of September 24 had between me, the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, and the Minister of Trabajo, Higiene y Previsi6n Social, concerning such a program. Reference is also made to the notes exchanged between the Govern- ment of Colombia and the Government of the United States on rubber development in Colombia, with particular reference to a program of health and sanitation in connection with rubber production in Colombia. My Government, through the Office of the Coordinator of Inter- American Affairs, is prepared to send at once to Colombia, at the request of Your Excellency's Government, to cooperate with the corresponding officials of Your Excellency's Government and the Ministry of Trabajo, Iligiene y Previsi6n Social, such experts as Your Excellency's Government desires in order to collaborate in developing a specific program for the improvement of health and sanitation con- ditions in Colombia. This program will be designed to improve health and sanitation conditions in Colombia in accordance with the memorandum prepared by the Minister of Trabajo, Higiene y Previsi6n Social and presented to me and to the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs in Bogot6 on September 24, 1942. For the purposes of this program, the Government of the United States, through the agency of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, will provide an amount not to exceed one million dollars (United States Currency) to be expended for the execution of the program. The expenditure of these funds may be applied not only to the health and sanitation program, but also, in the discretion of Your Excellency's Government, for such medical, scientific, and technical training as the Government of Colombia may wish under- taken by Colombian specialists. 1310