Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/730

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. October 5 and 9, 1943 Agreement between the United States of America and Canada respecting IE.A. s. 377] the temporary raising of the levels of Lake St. Francis during low- water periods, continuing in effect the agreement of November 10, 1941 as continued by the agreement of October 5 and 9, 1942. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington October 6 and 9, 194S. The CanadianMinister to the Secretary of State CANADIAN LEGATION WASHINGTON No. 516 OCTOBER 5TH, 1943 SIR, I have the honour, on the instructions of my Government, to refer 56Stat. 833 . to the exchange of notes of November 10th, 1941, whereby the Government of the United States of America agreed to a temporary raising of the levels of Lake St. Francis during low water periods for the reasons and subject to the conditions and limitations set forth 56 Stat. 12. in the Notes. By an exchange of notes of October 5th and 9th, 1942, the arrangements made on November 10th, 1941 were continued until October 1st, 1943. The circumstances which led the Government of the United States to agree to the temporary raising of the levels of Lake St. Francis have continued and, in view of the importance to both Canada and the United States of America of the conservation of the power supply in this area, the Canadian Government proposes that the arrange- ments set forth in the exchange of Notes should be continued until October 1st, 1944. The arrangements as continued would, of course, be subject to all of the conditions and limitations as contained in the exchange of Notes of November 10th, 1941. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. L. B . PEARSON For the Minister. The Honourable CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D.C . The Secretary of State to the CanadianMinister DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON October 9, 1943 SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of October 5, 1943 concerning the arrangements effected through an exchange of 1366