Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/759

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MULTILATERAL-WHEAT -APR . 22 , 1942 country as may be agreed with the Council and if it accedes as the Government of an exporting country it shall have such basic export quota as may be agreed with the Council. ARTICLE XV (WITHDRAWALS) 1. The contracting Government of any country which considers its national security endangered as a result of hostilities may apply to the Council for the suspension of any of its obligations under Articles II, III, IV and V of this Agreement. If the application is not granted within 30 days after the date thereof, such Government may within 15 days after the end of that period withdraw from the Agreement on written notice to the Council. 2. If it is shown to the satisfaction of the Council that the Govern- ment of Argentina, of Australia, of Canada or of the United States of America has failed to carry out its obligations under paragraph 1 of Article IV or paragraph 4 of Article V, the contracting Govern- ment of any exporting country may within 90 days withdraw from the Agreement on 30 days' written notice to the Council. 3. If the Government of Argentina, of Australia, of Canada or of the United States of America withdraws from the Agreement, the Agreement shall thereupon terminate, unless the Council, by three-fourths of the total votes held in the Council, decides to main- tain the Agreement with whatever modifications it may deem necessary. ARTICLE XVI (TERRITORIS) 1. The rights and obligations under this Agreement of the Gov- ernment of Argentina apply to the Customs territory thereof; those of the Government of Australia to Australia and her territories; those of the Government of Canada to the Customs territory thereof; those of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and those of the Government of the United States of America to the Customs territory thereof. 2. In the event of the Government of any other country acceding to the Agreement under Article XIV, the Council shall agree with the said acceding Government as to the territories to which the rights and obligations of the said acceding Government under the Agree- ment shall apply. ARTICLE XVII (DEFINrrIONS) For the purposes of this Agreement: 1. "Bushel" means sixty pounds avoirdupois. 2. "Carrying charges" means the costs incurred for storage, inter- est and insurance in holding wheat. 3. "Carry-over" means the aggregate of the stocks in any country, as ascertained by the Council under paragraph 13 of Article VII, of old wheat at the end of the crop-year held (a) in all elevators, warehouses and mills, (b) in transit or at railroad sidings and (c) Termination or modification of Agree- ment. Rights and obli- gations of designated Governments. Other acceding Government. Ante, p. 132. 1395 57 STAT.]