Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/800

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1436 INDEX Day of Prayer, appointment of Jan. 1, 1944---------------_ _ -__ __--_ _- Defense Installations and Facilities, post- war disposition of, agreement with Canada--_ ---- ---- -- ---- __ __ __ Defense Projects in Canada, agreement with Canada respecting taxation--- Defense Sites, agreement with Panama respecting lease of--------..- . .--- Delihant, W. T. (Lt. Col.), credit in ac- counts ----- __-________-____-- - Diamonds, Industrial, agreement with Canada and Great Britain _--_-__-. Dickey, Forrest W., payment to ------- Dickison, Howard E., payment to .. District of Columbia Employees, compen- sation, return of enrolled bill for cor- rections ------------ _ __ __- - ___ _ Dolleman, Hendrik (Sgt.), reimbursement for loss of personal property----.- Dominican Republic: Agreements respecting- Health and sanitation program --.. Naval mission--------------.....- Surplus food products -_ -----_ ____ - United Nations Relief and Rehabili- tation Administration-- ...... Workmen's compensation ------- __ Donald, George K., reimbursement for loss of personal property --------..- __ -- Dooly, W. I ., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim ---------------.------- _____ Dulin, Charles T., credit for payment to_ Dusch, Robert A., compensation for dam- ages to private property ---- ___._- E Ecuador: Agreements respecting- Detail of military officer..-----.-.. Health and sanitation program ----- United Nations Relief and Rehabili- tation Administration --- _____- Edwards, J. Dixon, reimbursement for loss of personal property -_-__-___---__ Edwards, L. M . (Lt. Col.), credit in ac- counts--- -- . ..-. . .--- --- --- __ ._ Egypt: Agreements respecting- Criminal offenses by members of armed forces, jurisdiction -___ __ United Nations Relief and Rehabil- itation Administration --- _-__- El Paso Electric Company, payment to -- El Salvador: Page 762 1429 1065 1232 680 931 686 667 722 680 1115 910 1142 1164 1180 709 706 665 697 1056 1370 1164 709 679 1197 1164 682 Agreements respecting- Detail of military officer ----- . 928, 1000 Health and sanitation program---- _ _ 1303 Military service ----------------- 982 El Salvador-Continued. Agreements respecting-Continued. United Nations Relief and Rehabil- itation Administration --- ___- Ellis, Perry, reimbursement for loss of personal property -------- _ ---- Emmons, Arthur B., III, reimbursement for loss of personal property-------- Empire Parliamentary Association, Do- minion of Canada Branch, acceptance by Congress of invitation to meet- ing_____________________________ England. See Great Britain. Estes, Thomas S., reimbursement for loss of personal property ------------- Ethiopia: Agreements respecting- Mutual war aid ----------------.. United Nations Relief and Rehabil- itation Administration_________ Evening Star Publishing Company, Inc., payment to


____- Executive Agreements. See International Agreements Other Than Treaties. Extradition, supplementary convention with Colombia ---------------- Extraterritorial Rights in China, relin- quishment by U. S., treaty respect- ing -....---.---- -___.------.___ F Fairbanks, Morse and Company, payment to -----.-

__- ____-_ _- - Faris, Edgar C., Jr., cancelation of U. S . claim against ---------------- Farm Workers, Mexican, temporary mi- gration of, agreement with Mexico- __ Farmers, collmmendation by Congress- _- Farrell-Argast Electric Company, pay- inent to


Favors, Charles, payment to-.. _-- -____ Ferguson, Albert, payment to ------- Ferguson, Ozelle, payment to _________ - Ferreira, Lillian C. , payment to-------- Fessenden, Charles Francis, considera- tion of disability claim ------..--- Fiedler, Morton, payment to--------_ _ __ Finances, agreement with Haiti respecting_ Finley, Ervin S., payment to ------ __- Fire Prevention Week, 1943, proclama- tion---------- ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ First National Bank, Huntsville, Tex., payment to ------------------ Flag Day, 1943, proclamation-------- __. Flanders, Fred A., cancelation of certain indebtedness -.------___-______- Fletcher, Samuel J., reimbursement for loss of personal property ----- _ _ __ _ Foglia, Frank, payment to -- ____._____. Foglia, Nancy, Davment to_- _ 1164 710 709 723 710 1043 1164 681 824 767 658 665 1152 724 698 672 713 713 699 675 660 1368 708 749 657 740 699 709 703 703 , . - f X, - ,, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -