Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1006

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Housing: Page Facilities for military or naval person- nel, rental of, money allowances for quarters not denied----------- 596, 868 Prepayment of purchase price on certain installment contracts ------------ 675 War housing- Administrative expenses, definition amended -------------------- 720 Appropriation for ----------- 153, 604, 859 Insurance of mortgages under Na- tional Housing Act, limitations amended--___ --- _____---__- Navy Department, accounts abol- ished

__-- -- Housing Act, National. See National Housing Act, Amendments. Housing Administration. See Federal Housing Administration. Housing Agency, National. See National Housing Agency. Housing Authority. See Federal Public Housing Authority; National Capital Housing Authority. Housing Insurance. See National Hous- ing Act, Amendments. Howard University, appropriation for- _ 166, Hulah Dam and Reservoir Project, con- demnation of mineral rights; com- mencement of construction -_- -__ _-- Hull Brake-Mill Creek Canal, flood-con- trol project authorized ---------- . _ Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of. Hungry Horse Dam, Mont., construction authorized -------- . ...------ Hushpuckena River, flood-control project authorized .. --------. . . - ___----- Hydrographic Bureau, International, ap- propriation for contribution-------- . Hydrographic Office, appropriation for -- Idaho: 648 322 553 330 895 270 896 402 318 I Boise project, appropriation for_ 170, 487, 490 Flood-control projects authorized ------ 902 Indians, irrigation projects, appropria- tion for ----------------- 170, 474, 476 Minidoka project, appropriation for- __ 487 Palisades project, appropriation for --- 488 Yellowstone National Park, appropria- tion for roads leading out of------ 500 Illinois: Beardstown, payment for bridge dam- ages ------ ______._..._--_--_-_ Flood-control examinations and surveys authorized ---------------- ..--- Flood-control projects authorized----- 765 904 896 Illinois-Continued. Page Fulton, bridge authorized across Mis- sissippi River at---------------- 846 Hennepin Canal, appropriation for maintenance---_---------------- 328 Illinois River: Bridge at Beardstown, Ill., payment for damages --------- _---- ------- 765 Flood-control project authorized ---- _ 896 Immigration Act of 1917, Amendments, detention expenses incident to bring- ing of certain aliens into U. S- - -- - -- 816 Immigration Act of 1924, Amendments, penalties incident to bringing of cer- tain aliens into U. S ------------- 817 Immigration and Naturalization. See also Nationality Act of 1940, Amend- ments. Agricultural workers ------------- __ _ 15 War Manpower Commission, migration of workers under authority of_- __ 17, 571 Immigration and Naturalization Service. See under Justice, Department of. Immigration Station Hospitals, use by Public Health Service ------------ _ 710 Import Milk Act, appropriation for en- forcement ------------ ____------_ 552 Import Restrictions, isonipecaine and marihuana ----- _- -- -_

__---_ 722 Imports. See Customs Duties. Inaugural Ceremonies: Expenses of, appropriation for ------- _ 755 Lighting facilities, erection of overhead wires, etc --------------------- _ 833 Maintenance of public order, etc.- Appropriation authorized; regula- tions----------. -- ---- --- - --- 834 Metropolitan Police, D. C., appro- priation for-----.------------ 516 Public spaces, permits for use of ------- 832 Quartering of troops in public buildings_ 835 Telegraph, telephone, and radio wires, erection of---------------------- 834 Tents, flags, etc., loan of, by War and Navy Departments ------- _----_ 833 Income Taxes. See under Taxes. Independent Offices: American Battle Monuments Commis- sion- Appropriation for----------------- 362 Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for ----------------- 874 Travel expenses, funds available for 855 American Commission for the Pro- tection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas- Appropriation for- -------_- - -- - -- 602 Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for ------------. ... . 874 INDEX LIV