Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1051

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IND] Revised Statutes-Continued. Section 4805, repeal -- -- ____________ Section 4806, repeal -_ ..----- _______ Rewards: Forests, information of violations of forest laws, etc ------------ Indian lands, information respecting forest fires, etc., appropriation for_ Interior, Department of the, compensa- tion for useful suggestions or inven- tions by personnel- --- -- _-_--- Maritime Commission, useful sugges- tions------------_ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ Navy Dept- Payment for suggestions resulting in improvements, etc., funds for -- Restriction on payment - -- __ ___ Post Office Department, detection of certain criminals; securing informa- tion ----- ___ -- ______ -_________ Reclamation, Bureau of, information respecting persons damaging public property__-------______________ War Department- Restriction on use of funds - _ _- -- - Suggestions resulting in improve- ments, funds for --- _-_----- War Shipping Administration, useful suggestions ------------------ RFC Mortgage Company: Appropriation for -------- _------_ - 168, Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for --------------------- I Rhode Island: Boundary line, consent of Congress granted to agreement with New York ------------------------- Flood-protection works authorized---- Rice: Crop insurance authorized -------- - Loans on crops--------------------- Price control... -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -. .- - Richardson Highway, appropriation for construction----------------------- Richie, Orville J., appropriation for pay- ment of judgment against District of Columbia ----------------------- Ridgway, Pa., flood-protection works au- thorized ------------------------ Rifle Practice, National Board for Promo- tion of, appropriation for----------- Rincon Irrigation Project, Calif., appro- priation for--------------------- Rio Grande Basin, flood-protection project authorized---------

Rio Grande Emergency Flood Protection, appropriation for -------------- 4 Rio Grande Project, N. Mex. -Tex., appro- priation for operation and mainte- Page 714 714 736 471 360 115 321 319 209 486 593 596 115 416 876 672 892 918 643 642 506 861 899 590 173 399 104 nance---------------------- 171,487, 607 E x XCIX Rio Grande Projects, appropriation for Page rectification, canalization, flood con- trol, etc ------------------------- 403 Rivers and Harbors: Belle Fourche River Compact, consent of Congress . ________----------_ 94 Boston Harbor, Mass., abandonment of project for seaplane channel and basin --------- ___----- --- _---_ 728 Bridges. See separate title. Cuyahoga River Channel, Cleveland, Ohio, appropriation available for- _ 168 Existing works- Maintenance and improvement, repeal of portion of appropria- tion ------------------------ 329 Preservation and maintenance, appro- priation for-__-- ____--_ 328, 613, 872 Flood control- Appropriation for __---- -__ - 329, 613, 872 Emergency work, appropriation au- thorized-------------------- . 257 Appropriation for -- __--------__ 613 Repeal of portion of appropriation- __ 330 Restriction on use of funds; priorities_ 329 Flood-control and navigation projects- Adoption and authorization- Alabama-Coosa River Basin------ 894 Arkansas River Basin ----------- 895 Blackstone River Basin --------- 892 Brazos River Basin -- .- -- - -- -- -- 899 Chehalis River Basin ----------- 903 Colorado River Basin ------------ 900 Colorado River Basin (Texas)-- -- 899 Columbia River Basin _- -- -- - -- - 902 Connecticut River Basin _- -_- - -- - 892 Coqulille River Basin--. --- -- --- - 902 Edisto River Basin -- .------- --- 894 Great Lakes Basin ------------- 899 Great Salt Basin---------------- 899 Hawaii, Hanapepe River--------- 903 Housatonic River Basin---__ _-- - 893 Lake Champlain Basin---------- 892 Los Angeles-San Gabriel Basin and Ballona Creek-------------- 900 Lower Mississippi River--------- 894 Missouri River Basin --------- 891, 897 Mobile River Basin-Alabama- Coosa River Basin ---------- 894 Naps River Basin -------------- 902 Nehalem River Basin ----------- 902 Ohio River Basin---------------- 898 Pajaro River Basin ------------- 900 Red-Ouachita River Basin ------- 895 Red River of the North Basin----- 896 Rio Grande Basin ------------- - 899 Roanoke River Basin------------ 894 Sacramento-San Joaquin River Bain-------------- -- 900 San Diego River Basin---------- 900